The Bahamas has something going on every weekend, most of it we don't bother to know what it is and we don't attend. of the things I love about Nassau is that the community and people here always make it a point to do things on the weekends with their families. Whether it's a cook out on the beach, or setting up their tents at the fish fry, jamming out to loud music, or attending some weekend event, the people here are always doing something with everyone. This past weekend the Bahamas had the International Culture Festival, similar to the food and wine festival at Epcot. It's suposed to be the best event the Bahamas hosts all year. So on Sunday we ventured out to eat good food and try good beers with friends. Successful day since we stayed out there for 5 hrs!! I tried a few beers as well as Darin and we never got one we didn't like. We tried to never get the same one, so we'd drink 1/2 ours then give it to each other to drink the other 1/2, what a team effort!! It was an absolute perfect day for the out door festival and we had a great time!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
NeW iSLanD NeW cHapTeR
We've thought for a short time that there would be a possibility of us moving to our companies next location, but it's just been a thought. We've recently found out it's real, we're moving to BARBADOS!!!! Not until early next year, but hey, that's only about 3 months away. Darin wanted eventually to be in one of a few places and get settled in for a few years and open a few shops on one island. Barbados was his first choice, so you could imagine he's beyond excited. Not only is he awesome at opening new shops and great at running them, he'll also get to surf on his days off....lets be honest, he'll be in the water at 6am and right after work everyday of the week. I'm sure the ocean will see more of him then I will. If there's one thing Darin can get up for before dawn for, it's surfing. We're so excited to be moving there, can't wait to experience another island and it's culture. Our life is pretty amazing and I feel so lucky to be living it with my best friend. On another note, we'll be further away from our friends and family. Darin comes back a few times a year now, but I on the other hand come back about every other month. We won't be able to come and go so freely and have a this great hour flight to Orlando. We're hopefully making a trip home in December for the holidays, to see our family and friends since it will be a while until we'll be able to come back. Start planning your trips accordingly to visit the Doty's.
On another sad note.....we can not bring Remie (our dog) with us. I've researched and called places to find out all the laws and rules and printed out paperwork and everything, only to find out she can't come. The only way she can is if she goes to the US for 6 or 7 months, then we have to ship her to the UK and if she meets all the requirements she doesn't have to be quarantined and can fly to Barbados. I have to do paper work to get her to the states, find someone to keep her, get paper work (which is crazy) to go to the UK, and then have to find a vet there to sign off on a health certificate and fill out the paper work, wait till it's approved, then she can fly to Barbados. The flights alone will be thousands of dollars for me and for her, it's just a big mess. This totally sucks, Darin and I are so in love with her and knowing our days are numbered really break our hearts. We rescued her promising to give her the best home, she won't understand and it's not her fault and that's what upsets me the most.
Thank God for my brother who is going to keep her until we know about the UK rule change on Jan 1st, (just found out about this since i've started writing this post) about the quarantine and regulation changes and then we'll know if we can bring her easily to Barbados or she'll have to stay, in which case I hope Craig falls in love with her so she can stay with him and have a good home there. If not, we'll find her another good home in Orlando somewhere.....but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for team Craig!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I added a new gadget called Instagram, it's on the right side of my blog. It's like a daily picture diary, so if i'm not blogging everyday, then you'll definitely see what i'm doing everyday with this picture diary, Instagram. You can click on the individual pictures to make them bigger and see more detail if you need to (daddy :) xo). Also, I put a comment box underneath the photos, so you can leave a comment about a picture, about a blog, tell me hi, leave a love note, whatever you can think of! Click the + sign next to the "comment please" and it will show a drop down box for you to type in!! Be sure to leave your name, so I know when you leave a comment. Enjoy my followers!! xo
Monday, October 17, 2011
MaYO ParMeSaN cHicKEn
Short and simple blog today, just like this meal!

I made this the other night for dinner because it's fast and super simple and that's the only way I know how to cook. When I have a family someday i'll probably learn how to cook better, but I think i'll keep this one around for those family nights's THAT good! I made green bean casserole and mashed potatoes with it. It's also one of Darin's favorites and if he likes something, I know it's gotta be good. Happy cooking!!

I made this the other night for dinner because it's fast and super simple and that's the only way I know how to cook. When I have a family someday i'll probably learn how to cook better, but I think i'll keep this one around for those family nights's THAT good! I made green bean casserole and mashed potatoes with it. It's also one of Darin's favorites and if he likes something, I know it's gotta be good. Happy cooking!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
FiRSt "legal" DiVE!!
Tuesday morning I FINALLY got to dive!! Darin and I got certified on our 1 yr anniversary in June, and I have yet to dive. I've been diving twice before in the keys about 5 yrs ago with Chad and Darin but not since then. I've wanted to get certified and dive for so long and I got certified and now finally getting around to going on my first "real" (as in legal) dive!!! I went out with a friend and employee of a side company of ours, Norm. He goes diving a lot and had a membership to get 50% off here on all dives, so he's gonna hook me up! We went with Bahama Divers group out on a boat to the north side of Paradise Island. Our first dive was about 60ft and it was a ship wreck. There were lots of fishies and the water was so so blue. Our second dive in the morning was about 40ft, this one also had lots of fish, but we also saw a huge sting ray with a baby one with it! Norm bought some fish food so in the lower picture is when he opened the bag and got attacked hahahaha. It was a GREAT first dive, and to think I was so nervous about it and didn't sleep well last night. At least it's over and now i'm good to go explore the ocean!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
If you haven't figured it out yet, red velvet is my FAVORITE things!! I follow another blog called An American Cupcake in London and she puts up all these fun recipes of stuff, but the ones I try are the red velvet ones. Sadly, there are ABSOLUTELY NO red velvet cake mixes on this whole island. Seems crazy huh? So when my in-laws came a few weeks ago I asked them to bring a few boxes of red velvet mother in-law took me very seriously and went to Publix where they had them buy one get one free and brought me like 12 boxes of it!! She also found red velvet pancake mix at World Market and brought 2 of those. So far i've only made cupcakes and pancakes, but I will be trying some of those tasty treats from An American Cupcake in London blog very soon. Here's to a red velvet pancake breakfast for champions!! Oh and those are chocolate chips I added, my mom always did when I was little so of course I do it now too :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
This past week was a complete whirlwind!! Not only did Teya and Justin come on Saturday but so did Chad, Emily and Brook from Cayman. Our long looooong week of filming started out at Senor Frogs that night and let me tell you, we had a GREAT time! The film crew came in on Sunday and set up the shop some, and then Monday to Friday they filmed from sun up to past sun down, getting home after 10pm some nights. After Monday it had already felt like a whole week, everyone was so tired and we kept saying we don't know how celebrities make it through filming for months to years for a movie. The crew was awesome and we all got to do some pretty cool stuff so the crew could get some good stuff for the show. I got to swim with sharks, and not just with a tour group, or any professional, it was just park your boat and jump in. I can't believe I actually got in that water, it was the scariest coolest thing ever, and that morning, I got to ride in a helicopter over the water while Chad did a back flip out of it!! Crazy!! I've been wanting to ride in a helicopter so bad, one of the things that was on my bucket list....check! We did a lot of going out, Senor Frogs and the casino, as well as Aura night club one night. Darin and I did a little gambling in the casino, Darin unfortunately was down $25 but came back from being down $150, and I started with $50 and left with $255!!! Sometimes craps can be so much fun! :) Here's a few pics of the week, also the shark video I threw together....enjoy!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
DoTy pAReNts ViSiT
We recently had the pleasure of hosting more of our parents. My parents visited in February and this last week we had the Doty's visit for 5 days. We had a great time with them walking around Bay St, they got to see Darin in action at work, we had some great dinners and drinks, followed by a great night in the casino. The best part was in the casino we all sat around one electronic $5 minimum roulette machine and played $10, and then put in $20 and then got up just over $100 before the machine said ERROR and I was quick to hit the "cash out" button. That whole time took us about 45mins, but it was a great $30 for 45mins. Darin and Mr. Doty played the normal roulette tables and took away a few hundred so all in all, i'd say it was a good night. We went to the beach for a day and it was so nice out. Darin got of work a little early and met us out there on his scooter and Mrs. Doty and I walked the beach and rocks looking for sea glass. The water was a perfect temp and crystal clear....gotta love the caribbean!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
ReMiE gEtS FiXEd
We recently had Remie Martin Bieber Peepyopeep (have I been over the name thing yet?) fixed. Dropped her off in the morning and called the vet around 2pm to see if she was ready. The nurse said she was awake in her cage and looked like she was ready to go, so I went to pick her up. She was like a drunk kid after being sedated lol. She wouldn't lay down in the front seat so I had to lean the seat back so she could relax and close her eyes. When we got home, she was the most loving, snug little pup, the Dr. should give me some of that to use for our normal days with her. She did have an infection about a week post op after her stitches came out. She's on some antibiotics and is recovering really well now. She also weighs a whole 36lbs!!! Our guess when we first got her was that she would be about 40lbs, we're so close.
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