As you know my parents were on their way to visit for an entire week!! I was so happy to get to spend some quality time with them and show them around Barbados. We (I mean, I) had a few plans for the week that included going to tour St. Nicholas Abby, paddle boarding, island touring, DIY day, trying new foods and lazy beach days....we got it all done needless to say :) Mom and dad left with lots of color to last them a little while back in Florida, they enjoyed the heat here but I know they were relieved to breathe the cool air back home. Besides all the fun things we did....I also had planned a DIY day, mainly a "fix things in my house" day (we all know Darin isn't that much of a handyman, sorry babe) because my dad is here and he's the best handy man I know! Got him to hang curtains, paint a crib, assemble the crib, move a tv from one wall mount to another room on the wall, moved a few mirrors around, hung some shelves in G's room, helped rig my couch cover, meanwhile everything is cement walls here so he even brought some screws and a drill bit because I wasn't sure I had the right materials :) My mom painted most of the crib because she loved the breeze on the porch so she was happy to sit outside and paint her heart away :) She also made dinners, random desserts and snacks while she was here (which was awesome!) My parents are so amazing, they love us unconditionally and want to help every way they can. Paddle boarding was so much fun! It was a little breezy but the water had great visibility (see turtles below). I love getting my parent's out of their comfort zone and making them do thing that they wouldn't normally do....I knew my dad would be up for it but I questioned my mom doing it, she did admit she came very close to NOT going but is glad she did and so am I, it was a moment in life when a daughter is so proud of her mother lol....seriously, if you know my mom you're probably as shocked at me and my dad were haha!! We had a few lazy beautiful beach days, relaxed with our noodles at some beaches and watched Darin body surf all afternoon at other beaches. One of the coolest things for them was probably the morning they left....they got to join me for one of my Dr. appointments! My Dr was so nice, he did a quick ultra sounds for them so they could see little Gemma and hear her heartbeat! It was nice to see our little one, now I know what are kicks and what are punches because of where she's moved to :) I fully enjoyed every moment of my parents visit, only wish they could of stayed longer but i'll be going to Florida in a short 6 weeks to have G so it won't be to long before I see them again.

Gemma's room projects:
Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*got 3 maternity shorts, they're pretty comfy....i like how they "hold" my belly, plus the buttons and waists of pants and other shorts aren't digging into me :)
*gained a whole 17 lbs!! YIKES!!
*feeling pokes and kicks a lot and LOVE it!
*love walking upstairs to peek in G's room and see it partially's getting real!!! ahh!!