Good morning daddy!!! I know you read this every morning...wanted to tell you that I love you, and I miss you so much xoxo!!
So I just got back from Miami, went to visit Fabiola. Had a great weekend and bought out Forever XXI I think. I have to keep up with "whats cool fashion" a little at least. I spent a lot of money according to me, but for most people it was probably nothing. We went to some really cool places in Miami; The Room is a really cool low key beer bar, Liv is in the FountainBlue hotel, it's a pretty crazy club....I won't go into detail about that one, my mom wouldn't like to read about it and this burrito place called Peppers, was outstanding!! I got home Sunday night and pretty much passed out.
I've also started watching these twins, Lucy & Harrison about a week ago so 2 weeks now. I watch them in the morning for just a few hours like 2 or 3 days a week. They are such cuties, and they're so good!! Darin says I should just watch kids all day and have that be my job. It's needed here trust me, everyone is always looking for a nanny. I just don't have the house to do it in or the length of time here. Since we're not sure when we're leaving I didn't want to start something then leave in a month and everyone would have to quick find someone else. The kids I watch now the parents know Darin and I's situation and we could leave anyday.
SPEAKING of leaving.....Darin's found out he goes to Nassau Friday (tomorrow)....not really sure how long possibly a few weeks, but we know from previous moves that sometimes it turns into a lot longer than a few weeks. He went from Turks and Caicos to Nassau in Febuary for a "few weeks" and has never been back lol......it's October, so we're just never sure. I'll be here in Freeport for the time being untill we know something further. This weekend is going to be super crappy since Darin is gone, Tony and Sania will be gone, Britton and Noel are gone, and Krissys gone too.....so i'm alone this weekend with nobody to hang out with and it's halloween!! I'll be at the resort beaches and Sparky's for Sunday football, so I have a little to do at least. I did get a phone today!! I haven't had my own number here so everyone's had to call Darin looking for me and sometimes i'm not with him. I got a "rokr or rocker" phone and typing on it is so old school, kinda fun! Well, I've got to go pick up Leanna now.....i'll keep you all updated!!
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