CoNGa TipSy!!
Last weekend for V-day Darin and I went to Treasure Cay and stayed at the Britt's house there. We had a few friends coming over from Orlando, staying at their house down the street from us. I have never been to Abaco, but i've seen picture after picture on everyone's facebooks and I've been dying to go there! Darin basically grew up in Abaco with the Britt family. We had a chance to go and it's so cheap to fly there from here, so I asked mama Britt if we could use their house for the weekend. The Britt family are some of the nicest people I know, so of course they said "of course!!!" We were SO excited to go to Treasure, I could hardly wait. We left Friday morning at like 6am, had to be up at 4:30am.....UGH GROSS!! We get there at 7:30am and look for "Gordon" he has the key to the house and a taxi to pick us up in. We get a ride with Gordon and Darin remembers him from almost 9 years ago!! I already love this place because everyone knows everyone, you can't feel more welcome than that! Getting to the house was amazing, perfect little house on the water with a great back patio! I've heard one of the best things about this place was that everyone has golf carts, so after getting settled Darin and I called Gordon for a golf cart, and within 30mins someone showed up with our go
lf cart! We drove around a little while we waited for our friends to fly in, saw the little town, got some groceries and drove to the point of the island which is a gorgeous sight! It was nice hearing Darin tell all his little stories as we drove past places, all those memories seem really special to him. Mid-day, we drove and found our friends already having a good time on the back porch. They were staying at our friend Libby's place which is right on the mouth of the ocean maybe 3 houses in on the inter coastal and that's where we hung out most of the time. We went out on the boat, at lunch on another island, had a hot tub party, did a little lobstering,
slept in another boat at the Marsh Harbor Marina, met a few people down there, went to Nippers on Sunday, had lasagna dinner together, and Monday everyone left. I don't want to go into detail about the whole weekend but in short, that's pretty much what we did. We had a GREAT time, all I can think about is going back!!We met Steve and Chelsea there. They live in Marsh Harbor and live on a boat in the marina! What a life, living on a boat on a beautiful island! I've always wondered who they were in pictures, but had no idea they lived there! Now that we've met a cool couple only a few islands away we plan on visiting Marsh Harbor more often to visit them! I think it's one of my new fav. places.You know your in Treasure Cay having a great time with friends when......the place has "treasure" in it's name, it's a golf cart community,
white beaches, teal waters, riding on the boat and your hair goes crazy, you have no brush, drawing on a styrofoam cup with colored markers to make your name look cool, when a dog does the conga, and her name is Tipsy, loud music, great sunshine in your face, dolphins playing right out back, the most comfy couch to pass out on (thanks Libby), backer's bay punch, tervis tumblers, new t-shirts, nipper's tractor, a pile of jello shots by Chel for Jon's birthday, falling off a stripper pole, falling in the water from the dock while attempting to step on to the boat, bean bag chairs for the boat ride, holding frozen corn on your head, ibuprofen, the sound of the golf cart pulling into the Dobson's (Libby's) driveway on the little pebbles, wearing rasta hats, non stop laughter, paparazzi, flipping, everywhere is an amazing view, getting "nipped" for the first time, laying in a hammock, getting sun-kissed and knowing you want to come back before you even leave. Did I leave something out?
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