By the way this is our dog Boomer. He's actually a friends dog but they moved to Cayman and had to leave him here until his doggie health papers go though. But until he leaves, he's basically our kid. He eats dinner with us, snugs on the couch for tv time, lays in our bed to watch movies at night, enjoys walking to starbucks and the local post office, visiting neighbors dogs, laying in the sun on the front porch and going wild on the beach with his other dog friend Sky. He's very energetic and lovable, very smart, and always extremely happy to see when you've left for 5 mins or 5 days! He doesn't like when Darin and I wrestle, he's always got my back and jumps on Darin to save me......oh my hero!!

We have been dealing with a case of the flea bugs lately. He had a dip at the vet and I bought some flea and tic killing shampoo for after the beach on Sundays. He's still itchy and I found a flea again the other day. Hopefully this will end soon, I don't know what else I can wash and clean, they just keep coming back! 

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