Wednesday, November 30, 2016
AnoTHeR aDditiON
CRAIG AND KAIT are having a BABY!! They told us on Thanksgiving and oh how excited I am for them.....also because they have no idea i'm pregnant and when they do find out, Kaitlyn is going to be so excited! I'm so happy my little brother is going to be a daddy, it's the best Thanksgiving news EVER!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
NeW ADdiTioN was Election Day and it was Trump or Clinton, I won't go into detail of who we were voting for since it's one of the craziest elections ever, I don't really like either and wish there was someone else in the mix.
Anyway.......I also took a pregnancy test and well....I'M PREGNANT, AGAIN!! Our planning has paid off and we couldn't be happier. This will be my 3rd pregnancy, if you read my blog, you know earlier in the year I had an unfortunate miscarriage, so naturally i'm a little more nervous about this one, already keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard that this one sticks. We've decided that this 2nd kiddo will complete our family so we're excited for July 20th when we become a family of 4! Darin knew I was probably pregnant because I told him I had a good feeling I was, I still surprised him a little with a little sign, but deep down, i'm pretty sure he knew it too ;)
We are EXTREMELY happy to see Gemma become a big sister and watch how she adjusts and grows and loves on my tummy these next 9 months. She's a pretty smart cookie so I think she'll love the idea of having a little brother or sister. We've decided not to tell her yet, since she likes to go around to people and school and tells them when anything happens, I went to the dr for a cough or dropped Darin off at the airport and that girl will go announce it to everyone she runs into that day lol, next thing I know people are asking if i'm ok because Gem told them I went to the Dr. this order to keep our secret, we can't tell her haha.
Anyway.......I also took a pregnancy test and well....I'M PREGNANT, AGAIN!! Our planning has paid off and we couldn't be happier. This will be my 3rd pregnancy, if you read my blog, you know earlier in the year I had an unfortunate miscarriage, so naturally i'm a little more nervous about this one, already keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard that this one sticks. We've decided that this 2nd kiddo will complete our family so we're excited for July 20th when we become a family of 4! Darin knew I was probably pregnant because I told him I had a good feeling I was, I still surprised him a little with a little sign, but deep down, i'm pretty sure he knew it too ;)
We are EXTREMELY happy to see Gemma become a big sister and watch how she adjusts and grows and loves on my tummy these next 9 months. She's a pretty smart cookie so I think she'll love the idea of having a little brother or sister. We've decided not to tell her yet, since she likes to go around to people and school and tells them when anything happens, I went to the dr for a cough or dropped Darin off at the airport and that girl will go announce it to everyone she runs into that day lol, next thing I know people are asking if i'm ok because Gem told them I went to the Dr. this order to keep our secret, we can't tell her haha.
Friday, November 4, 2016
This Halloween was special for a few reasons, 1. daddy got to enjoy it with Gem and 2. she and her bff matched! They were Jane Fonda and holy cuteness!!
Friday, October 28, 2016
Trinidad & DDI
Tickets are so cheap to Trinidad right now and a friend asked us if we wanted to go for a long weekend with our families. We've never been but have always wanted to go since a lot of our friends are from there as well. So we booked tickets and off we went on our first family vacation with another family. SO.MUCH.FUN! Besides the 2 yr olds hashing it out 10 times a day, they really enjoyed their time together and so did the adults! DDI stands for Down De Islands, that's where we stayed, at our friends family house. We had to fly in, drive to the yacht club and get our boat loaded to head over. It's a quick 5 min ride so it was really nice to just be on the outside of Trinidad looking back. It was also really nice to pop over and get breakfast and coffee in the morning. We enjoyed every sunset, lots of downtime to enjoy the view, island toured to a beach far far away haha, watched dolphins swim through the bay during sunset, made some awesome food and drove the boat around to other islands to swim in new spots! Definitely will be going back!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Back to School
Gem started back at the Montessori school she was in since January this year. We love the teachers and all the kids in the class so it was a no brainer to send her back. We are so excited since this is her last year with this little class, next September they all move to "BIG" school together!
September 13, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Quick Summer Trip to Orlando
Gem doesn't have school till mid September so we decided to take a quick last minute summer trip up to Orlando. We did our usually Seaworld, Target, Chickfila, which are always our favorite things to do when we go up. We did Seaworld twice this trip and Daddy finally got to come! We've been going to Seaworld for a year with our pass and this was Darin's first time getting to see how excited Gem gets when she goes. She absolutely LOVES it!! We had a bit of downtime this trip so it was nice to spend time at home with our families and not be out and about everyday, just almost everyday :) We also got to see Great Grandma a bunch and boy does Gem love her GG!\

Monday, August 8, 2016
Mom, Shelb & Laura Visit
When we were sailing, Laura was here in Barbados watching Gem. I knew Shelby was going to be here when I got back from sailing but I didn't know "Glamma" (mom T) would be here too! She pulled off a great surprise! We did a few fun island adventure things like island touring, a catamaran cruise, a kadooment fete, swam a wreck and saw some turtles! I also learned how to play Hearts! Their trip was too short as always :( Here's some pics from their fun week in Barbados!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Sailing the Grenadines
This summer has proven to be an eventful one. The beginning of July we got to check something off the ol bucket list, sailing the Grenadines! We went with our friends Alan & Jenny, rented a catamaran for a week and left from St. Vincent, hitting up island after island, staying the night and a day in each place. The islands are so different in water color (mostly blue), civilization, resort only or anyone can visit. We had a BLAST, watched some beautiful sunsets, swam in the clearest waters with turtles, ate some fabulous food and learned how next time we'll do a power catamaran, screw the actual sailing lol.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
GoiNg gLeNN in CaLi
In June we headed out to California, neither of us has been and some good friends of ours were getting married in the desert at the Joshua Tree (which isn't actually a tree lol, but an area). We flew into LA and spend the day at the Santa Monica pier and rented bikes to ride up and down the coast on the beach, very cool, I recommend it to everyone! We headed out that night to Palm Springs (in the valley, which now I know what that means too), it's about a 3 hr drive so not too bad but when you're tired, it takes forever! There was a pool party and music and it was 113 degrees, the wall when leaving the hotel was no joke, you literally walked into a heater. We walked and shopped a little, then went to a nice sushi dinner with some friends since we had a few days out there before the wedding. So fun and So hot, no humidity though lol.
The wedding was absolutely amazing! We all got bussed out to the desert and dropped off, then had to walk a few mins in the desert to this little half building called the ruin. They had 2 giant tables, lights, vintage furniture to lounge on and a taco bar for dinner!! Probably the sweetest, prettiest, most unique weddings i've ever been to, makes me want to do it again and do it something like that, just so nice. Chris and Davis, thanks for inviting us to celebrate your amazing day!
EuROpE AgaiN
Time to play catch up....I keep finding myself posting every 2 months on average and that is no bueno. Literally the last few months have been full of traveling. Darin has hardly been on island between managing his other shops, flying to Orlando for meetings and then traveling for weddings and with me to Europe! I last wrote in April just before our big trip. This is the trip I won on boxing day last year for most clever photo with a Virgin Atlantic beach ball! It was so nice to win a free airline ticket but at the same time we weren't sure where to fit it in and we had to use it in a year. Our friends Alicia and Pete helped by taking Gem for the 9 days so we could go alone...first time ever! Alicia and Pete have 2 boys that adore Gem and she loves them all right back. They took her to school, to the beach, to the pool, over to play in a tree fort, had ice cream dates....just did so much fun stuff with them and we are so thankful to have awesome friends like that here.
Off to Europe we went, found a week between Darin's travels and squeezed it in, we only had a few weeks before we left so kinda last minute, but that was ok with us....who likes to wait months and months for a fun trip? We stopped in London first, Darin has only traveled to Italy on this side of the world so all these places he's never been. It was fun playing "i remember some stuff tour guide", we did all the tourist stuff I loved on my last trip and skipped the meh stuff from the last trip. We had a lot of downtime and found pubs to eat and get warm with a cold beer! Fish and chips are my favorite thing, well and a great beer, so I feel like I fit right in over there. I love the buildings, the tubes, the pubs, just really all of London. So much happened while we were in London, we arrived on the Queen's 90th birthday, then the President (Obama) came to see the Queen and the families for 2 days, then they had the London marathon over the weekend, super busy week in London. At the end of our trip we were back in London for the day and what a difference in the amount of people on the streets, you could actually walk straight somewhere lol. Overall London was great, a little cold, but great!
Dublin was next, just a quick 24hrs, which is pretty much all you need....ok maybe 48hrs. If you have more time there then that's when you rent a car and drive the country, but we didn't have time for that. So, instead we got on a bus tour, headed to the Guinness factory and did the whole tour, ended up at the gravity bar where you can see far far far with a 360 degree view, keep in mind this is a bar, and it was awesome! We headed on the bus tour and walked a little bit to temple bar district which was super cool. I can officially say i've had a Guinness in Dublin, in a pub with live REAL irish music! The next day we were off again to another fun country i've been to.
AMSTERDAM! I was so excited to see our extended, extended family over there and introduce Darin to them. We arrived and Klaus took us right to the Keukenhof (tulip gardens). I have never seen so many in my life, it was one of the most beautiful sites ever, just being surrounded by color after color of tulip, the colors go on and on as far as you can see. I will, without a doubt, be going back there again. Irma was making dinner that night so we got to the house and settled in before coming down for dinner, meatballs! We had some other family over so that was nice meeting them and we played spoons and another card game, drank wine and laughed a lot. I love that my (maiden) last name is so unique that I found people on the other side of the world that are my still blows my mind. The next day was Kings Day! Irma wasn't feeling well but Klaus took us into the city to see some sites and watch the boats go by with the partying people and loud music! We all dressed up in orange and had plenty to drink. The ONLY problem with this day was it was SO COLD, the coldest kings day in 50 years lol, of course we were there. We walked around the districts and ate some food but we were so bundled up and cold, we just wanted to go back to our hotel and turn the heat on haha. Sad to leave, but I did promise next time i'd be there a week and not a night or two, so i'm looking forward to the next visit over.
We headed back to London for the day before flying out the next. Met up with some Bajan friends for sushi, went to a bar and then back to the hotel for a good rest before our early flight home.
It was such a great trip. I had so much fun with Darin, just me and him was so nice and new for us. 10 years together and that was our first trip together, hard to believe but it's true. Now we know we can hang out together for 9 days and have a fun time with each other. I loved our trip and look forward to the next one we go on together! We're thinking Italy in 5 years, lets see if it happens :) Love you babe!
Off to Europe we went, found a week between Darin's travels and squeezed it in, we only had a few weeks before we left so kinda last minute, but that was ok with us....who likes to wait months and months for a fun trip? We stopped in London first, Darin has only traveled to Italy on this side of the world so all these places he's never been. It was fun playing "i remember some stuff tour guide", we did all the tourist stuff I loved on my last trip and skipped the meh stuff from the last trip. We had a lot of downtime and found pubs to eat and get warm with a cold beer! Fish and chips are my favorite thing, well and a great beer, so I feel like I fit right in over there. I love the buildings, the tubes, the pubs, just really all of London. So much happened while we were in London, we arrived on the Queen's 90th birthday, then the President (Obama) came to see the Queen and the families for 2 days, then they had the London marathon over the weekend, super busy week in London. At the end of our trip we were back in London for the day and what a difference in the amount of people on the streets, you could actually walk straight somewhere lol. Overall London was great, a little cold, but great!
Dublin was next, just a quick 24hrs, which is pretty much all you need....ok maybe 48hrs. If you have more time there then that's when you rent a car and drive the country, but we didn't have time for that. So, instead we got on a bus tour, headed to the Guinness factory and did the whole tour, ended up at the gravity bar where you can see far far far with a 360 degree view, keep in mind this is a bar, and it was awesome! We headed on the bus tour and walked a little bit to temple bar district which was super cool. I can officially say i've had a Guinness in Dublin, in a pub with live REAL irish music! The next day we were off again to another fun country i've been to.
AMSTERDAM! I was so excited to see our extended, extended family over there and introduce Darin to them. We arrived and Klaus took us right to the Keukenhof (tulip gardens). I have never seen so many in my life, it was one of the most beautiful sites ever, just being surrounded by color after color of tulip, the colors go on and on as far as you can see. I will, without a doubt, be going back there again. Irma was making dinner that night so we got to the house and settled in before coming down for dinner, meatballs! We had some other family over so that was nice meeting them and we played spoons and another card game, drank wine and laughed a lot. I love that my (maiden) last name is so unique that I found people on the other side of the world that are my still blows my mind. The next day was Kings Day! Irma wasn't feeling well but Klaus took us into the city to see some sites and watch the boats go by with the partying people and loud music! We all dressed up in orange and had plenty to drink. The ONLY problem with this day was it was SO COLD, the coldest kings day in 50 years lol, of course we were there. We walked around the districts and ate some food but we were so bundled up and cold, we just wanted to go back to our hotel and turn the heat on haha. Sad to leave, but I did promise next time i'd be there a week and not a night or two, so i'm looking forward to the next visit over.
We headed back to London for the day before flying out the next. Met up with some Bajan friends for sushi, went to a bar and then back to the hotel for a good rest before our early flight home.
It was such a great trip. I had so much fun with Darin, just me and him was so nice and new for us. 10 years together and that was our first trip together, hard to believe but it's true. Now we know we can hang out together for 9 days and have a fun time with each other. I loved our trip and look forward to the next one we go on together! We're thinking Italy in 5 years, lets see if it happens :) Love you babe!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
A Rough Season of Life
It's been a while now, but I just wasn't sure how to write about our experience. I feel like I can write about it now from a better place emotionally. So here it the end of December we were pleasantly surprised with the news of a new little one on the way! Couldn't wait to see Gem be a big sister, told our close friends and family who were also so excited. Went to the dr. it was to early for a heartbeat but I was due September 14th, a perfect day. My parents flew in for Gem's birthday that weekend and that day before they arrived I started bleeding. I texted a girls group that I wasn't well and couldn't make our brunch date when one of them called to make sure I was ok and I lost it on the phone. She immediately came to get me and take me to the emergency clinic while another friend came to get Gem (Darin unfortunately wasn't in town). From one place to another, I heard a heartbeat and felt a huge relief, it was the best sound ever, YOU were safe. I was put on bed rest for a week until my next appointment. My parents arrived and were so happy to spend their whole vacation helping me with Gem, cooking and cleaning. Darin arrived the next day, he couldn't get home fast enough the day before. At some point in the week I had a miscarriage, I had no pain, not a lot of bleeding, no fever, going back to our week appointment, we were really hopeful that YOU were still in there safe. You only know the feeling if you've been through it, when the dr has the ultrasound on your belly and can't find the heartbeat.....floods and I mean floods of tears just come over you as your heart breaks into a trillion little pieces, you sit and try to listen to the dr, but you just can't pay attention anymore, it's a feeling I wish on no family. My parents were there when we got back to give us good long hugs that we needed so desperately. Gem just went about her day, laughing, playing, asking us to play in the pool and with her toys, a part of me is so thankful she was too young to know what happened because i'm not sure how I would of got through that with out her bubble of happiness. She reminded us that every life is precious no matter how young and there is still a life to live with her and we can try again to give her that little sibling she deserves.
Mommy, Daddy and your big sister Gemma love you so so much, you were a gift from above and we'll never forget your 6 precious weeks of time with us. All in Gods hands, something just wasn't's true when they say that a miscarriage is a little baby to good for this earth, God has plans for you with him and that's ok. See you one-day little angel of ours xoxo.
Mommy, Daddy and your big sister Gemma love you so so much, you were a gift from above and we'll never forget your 6 precious weeks of time with us. All in Gods hands, something just wasn't's true when they say that a miscarriage is a little baby to good for this earth, God has plans for you with him and that's ok. See you one-day little angel of ours xoxo.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
WhAt HApPenEd?
2.5 months? REALLY?!?!? Life obviously has been super crazy. In the middle of March we went to Orlando for 3 weeks but what happened to all of Feb and some of March? We had my parents visit the end of January then Tera and Brent came to visit the beginning of March. Darin has also been traveling a TON lately!! Anyway.....
Gem fully enjoyed her first term at school. She knows all her friends names and had a blast learning about transportation. When the term was over she had a 3 week break so we went to Orlando! She knew so much about the plane, the wings, the tail, the pilot (which I had no idea what she was saying until I realized she was pointing to the front of the plane, duh mom), the clouds and "up", she knew to buckle....I mean really, it was so crazy to see her just know stuff lol. This was also her first flight she had her own, paid for seat! Big kid status!!
Our trip to Orlando was so fun. We had more swim lessons, went to Seaworld and Universal. Did the Crayola factory and had lunch at the American Girl store with Gem's little cousins. Did a lot of shopping and eating Chick-Fila breakfast :) . Attempted a bike trailer ride with Oma and Opa but didn't get out of the driveway without a major meltdown happening, that resulted in a stroller walk with Oma to the park which Gem loves. She loves the dogs and their names are the first thing she says when her eyes open in the morning, she then has to go out and greet them before anything else happens. I got to see an Orlando City soccer game with the Tierney family on a Sunday Funday which was great, went shopping with a friend and no kiddo (which is nice to not have a tiny person grabbing clothes off the rack while strolling by), met up with friends for dinners and enjoyed down time at home with my family. Gem is at a fun stage and most of the time she's a pretty entertaining person and she had us all laughing so hard at her "skipping" and she loved when we tossed plastic eggs on her head and they'd break in half...she'd just laugh and laugh.
The last week of our trip started to go downhill with a fever followed by a super clingy and whiny 2 year old. Once we got the fever down she was good to go, but then on the flight home we could tell something else was happening. She got really whiny and couldn't get comfortable and couldn't sleep, she didn't feel warm at this point but in the morning at home she did, and then it turned into a double ear infection, green boogies, fever again and a little cough.....our poor kid can't catch a break. We seem to be on the mend after going to the Dr so hopefully she'll get back to her fun self soon.
Next week Darin and I go to Europe for 9 days! It's our first trip alone, no friends, no Gem, no sharing hotel rooms, no meeting people there, just him and me.....kind of like a 6 year delayed honeymooon!!
Gem fully enjoyed her first term at school. She knows all her friends names and had a blast learning about transportation. When the term was over she had a 3 week break so we went to Orlando! She knew so much about the plane, the wings, the tail, the pilot (which I had no idea what she was saying until I realized she was pointing to the front of the plane, duh mom), the clouds and "up", she knew to buckle....I mean really, it was so crazy to see her just know stuff lol. This was also her first flight she had her own, paid for seat! Big kid status!!
Our trip to Orlando was so fun. We had more swim lessons, went to Seaworld and Universal. Did the Crayola factory and had lunch at the American Girl store with Gem's little cousins. Did a lot of shopping and eating Chick-Fila breakfast :) . Attempted a bike trailer ride with Oma and Opa but didn't get out of the driveway without a major meltdown happening, that resulted in a stroller walk with Oma to the park which Gem loves. She loves the dogs and their names are the first thing she says when her eyes open in the morning, she then has to go out and greet them before anything else happens. I got to see an Orlando City soccer game with the Tierney family on a Sunday Funday which was great, went shopping with a friend and no kiddo (which is nice to not have a tiny person grabbing clothes off the rack while strolling by), met up with friends for dinners and enjoyed down time at home with my family. Gem is at a fun stage and most of the time she's a pretty entertaining person and she had us all laughing so hard at her "skipping" and she loved when we tossed plastic eggs on her head and they'd break in half...she'd just laugh and laugh.
The last week of our trip started to go downhill with a fever followed by a super clingy and whiny 2 year old. Once we got the fever down she was good to go, but then on the flight home we could tell something else was happening. She got really whiny and couldn't get comfortable and couldn't sleep, she didn't feel warm at this point but in the morning at home she did, and then it turned into a double ear infection, green boogies, fever again and a little cough.....our poor kid can't catch a break. We seem to be on the mend after going to the Dr so hopefully she'll get back to her fun self soon.
Next week Darin and I go to Europe for 9 days! It's our first trip alone, no friends, no Gem, no sharing hotel rooms, no meeting people there, just him and me.....kind of like a 6 year delayed honeymooon!!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
GeM's TWO!
Hard to believe but our little spunk of kid turned TWO!! I didn't mind the first year and some going by fast but now time can slow down. I LOVE her at this age, she is so much fun! She is so fearless (I have about 15 small heart attacks a day) and independent (the snuggle struggle is real), she's funny, adventurous and loves her friends. She's annoying at times but not for bad reasons, she just repeats herself like a broken record and it drives me bonkers lol. She's a very VERY busy kid, always into something....our place isn't that big but I feel like I prob walk/run a 5k everyday in a matter of a few hours and by night time i'm done, this kid is a lot of work, good work but a lot. The times she's a brat, time outs are our friend, she stands facing the corner and can't come out until she's done crying and ready to smile, it works well for her, we also bribe her, I love it haha. We're lucky to have a really good kid, everything about her I love, all her personality traits and weird things she does as well as her super infectious smile.
I decided (because Gem can't) that she'd have a luau beach party at the Tiki Bar! My parents came for Gem's birthday this year so they brought all the decorations down and i'm so excited! Something I love to do is plan stuff and then set it all up, it's rare that I ever get a chance to do it, so Gem's birthdays are the perfect little parties to create! Instead of gifts this year, we asked people to give money and we are donating on Joss's behalf (Gem's cousin who is 3 and has leukemia) to the CURE foundation in Atlanta, GA. Gem raised $250 at her birthday party!! Her friends are so awesome!
Happiest Birthday to our TWO year old, mom and dad love you to the moon!!
I decided (because Gem can't) that she'd have a luau beach party at the Tiki Bar! My parents came for Gem's birthday this year so they brought all the decorations down and i'm so excited! Something I love to do is plan stuff and then set it all up, it's rare that I ever get a chance to do it, so Gem's birthdays are the perfect little parties to create! Instead of gifts this year, we asked people to give money and we are donating on Joss's behalf (Gem's cousin who is 3 and has leukemia) to the CURE foundation in Atlanta, GA. Gem raised $250 at her birthday party!! Her friends are so awesome!
Happiest Birthday to our TWO year old, mom and dad love you to the moon!!
Saturday, January 16, 2016
We have reached the age where we send Gemma to school! We chose a near by Montessori school and Monday was her first day. She had her lunch packed and her sneakers on ready to go make new friends and learn a lot of cool things. I as well was ready to have my mornings with GMA and coffee also run errands without having to buckle and unbuckle another human on my busy mornings and ALSO.....BLOG!!! I have time to blog now! It's only half day so we pick her up at noon.
Day 1, we talk about school, her lunch box, friends and how much fun she'll have. She gets excited but obviously doesn't know what she's excited about haha. We got to school and dropped her off but had a little resistance and didn't want to leave mommy's arms, she cried a little but we quickly left and before we left she'd found a toy with her teacher and was totally distracted. I did not cry, I know you're wondering. When we went to pick her up she was outside happily on the swing, when she spotted us she started crying haha. She used to do that when Darin came home, she'd get so excited she'd cry, so I guess these were excitement happy tears. She also had NO ACCIDENTS!!
Day 2, making good progress, we had a little whimper but she willingly went to the teacher. I try to make my mornings quick, in and out in less than 15 seconds, literally haha. I don't want to be there and make her more upset because i'm still around, it's like pulling a bandaid off, the quicker you do it, the quicker the pain. Until she's adjusted and goes to school with a smile and understands what her morning routine is, i'll start giving her a proper goodbye at school. Found her on the swing again when I picked her up, no cries, just pointing and "mommy, mommy!". Teacher said she had some good laughing sessions with her friends today, i'm so glad she's adjusting so fast and enjoying her new friends. Also NO ACCIDENTS today too!!
Day 3, no cries, no whimpers, no look back either. My girl put her lunch box on the shelf and went right to the puzzles....peace mom! Alrighty then, so that was awesome! Went to pick her up and she was on the swing AGAIN, she LOOOOVES swings :) she was laughing and smiling, happy to see me but wasn't ready to get off so we swung for a little while longer :) No accidents today either!! I'm so freaking proud of her!!
Day 4, happy as a clam in water, she put up her lunch box and I asked for a kiss, so she kissed me and turned around and headed to the puzzles....this is the moment I teared up. She is such an amazing kid, so independent and brave, my little sweet and fearless soul, i'm so proud of you! xo
Day 5, it's so cute watching her put up her lunch box and then come kiss me bye. I'd say her first week went absolutely awesome. She knows her routine and she's happy to be going to school, I couldn't ask for more. When I picked her up, she was of course on the swings, she actually got off (which she didn't do the other 4 days) ran to the class room and came out with her lunch box and her art project she painted, like ok mom, i'm ready! :) Such a big kid so fast.
She turns TWO next week!!! Ahhhhhh crazy!
Day 1, we talk about school, her lunch box, friends and how much fun she'll have. She gets excited but obviously doesn't know what she's excited about haha. We got to school and dropped her off but had a little resistance and didn't want to leave mommy's arms, she cried a little but we quickly left and before we left she'd found a toy with her teacher and was totally distracted. I did not cry, I know you're wondering. When we went to pick her up she was outside happily on the swing, when she spotted us she started crying haha. She used to do that when Darin came home, she'd get so excited she'd cry, so I guess these were excitement happy tears. She also had NO ACCIDENTS!!
Day 2, making good progress, we had a little whimper but she willingly went to the teacher. I try to make my mornings quick, in and out in less than 15 seconds, literally haha. I don't want to be there and make her more upset because i'm still around, it's like pulling a bandaid off, the quicker you do it, the quicker the pain. Until she's adjusted and goes to school with a smile and understands what her morning routine is, i'll start giving her a proper goodbye at school. Found her on the swing again when I picked her up, no cries, just pointing and "mommy, mommy!". Teacher said she had some good laughing sessions with her friends today, i'm so glad she's adjusting so fast and enjoying her new friends. Also NO ACCIDENTS today too!!
Day 3, no cries, no whimpers, no look back either. My girl put her lunch box on the shelf and went right to the puzzles....peace mom! Alrighty then, so that was awesome! Went to pick her up and she was on the swing AGAIN, she LOOOOVES swings :) she was laughing and smiling, happy to see me but wasn't ready to get off so we swung for a little while longer :) No accidents today either!! I'm so freaking proud of her!!
Day 4, happy as a clam in water, she put up her lunch box and I asked for a kiss, so she kissed me and turned around and headed to the puzzles....this is the moment I teared up. She is such an amazing kid, so independent and brave, my little sweet and fearless soul, i'm so proud of you! xo
Day 5, it's so cute watching her put up her lunch box and then come kiss me bye. I'd say her first week went absolutely awesome. She knows her routine and she's happy to be going to school, I couldn't ask for more. When I picked her up, she was of course on the swings, she actually got off (which she didn't do the other 4 days) ran to the class room and came out with her lunch box and her art project she painted, like ok mom, i'm ready! :) Such a big kid so fast.
She turns TWO next week!!! Ahhhhhh crazy!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
NeW yEAr & PoTTy TRaiNiNG
New Year's Day we spent the ENTIRE day at the beach with friends, it couldn't have been more perfect of a day. We watched the sunset and then all headed home. It was nice with the day being a Friday because then we had the rest of the weekend with Darin. We had a BBQ on Sunday with some friends, which was a great day as well, perfect weather to use the new pool toys!
In December we got our barrel which had all of the potty training supplies :) just a simple seat cover and stool, a few potty books and new panties (girl superheroes) haha. Since Gem has been born i've read a series called Baby Wise, which lead to pre-toddlerwise, toddler wise and potty wise.....I LOVE these books, I think they're spot on with a lot of my personality and parenting ways so I use it as a guide and it's worked wonders. Anyhow, so I read Potty Wise, learned what I could, decided on my way of training, prepared with m+m's as her potty prize and then waited till Monday to start. We started off focusing on the potty and what we do in it, so I let Gem run naked and we sat in the bathroom for most of the day, I had the tv off and prepped the bathroom with coffee, my phone, books, m+m's in a bowl close by so she could see her winnings, some cleaning spray, a rag and some wipes lol, I had made us our own cave of survival. The first day was hard and frustrating, I wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't so we powered through. The second day was WAY easier, about half on the potty and half accidents, I was ok with this though, it showed me progress and that whatever I was doing was working...onto day three when we had no accidents (of pee, lol). Day four we had none and ever since then (it's been about 3 weeks) we have an accident every now and then but nothing major, it's usually she makes it to the bathroom and not quite to the toilet, but she told me she had to go and she tried her best to make it so I count it. Time equals progress and i'm so impressed with how flipping fast she learned that in, it amazes me! I'm so proud of her and also stocked I have no more diapers to change!! Nap and nighttime diapers is all that's left, but I know that part of training will come in time, i'm happy and Gem is happy she gets her candy :)
I won't embarrass the older Gemma and post pics of her on the potty with her ipad and books :) your welcome :)
In December we got our barrel which had all of the potty training supplies :) just a simple seat cover and stool, a few potty books and new panties (girl superheroes) haha. Since Gem has been born i've read a series called Baby Wise, which lead to pre-toddlerwise, toddler wise and potty wise.....I LOVE these books, I think they're spot on with a lot of my personality and parenting ways so I use it as a guide and it's worked wonders. Anyhow, so I read Potty Wise, learned what I could, decided on my way of training, prepared with m+m's as her potty prize and then waited till Monday to start. We started off focusing on the potty and what we do in it, so I let Gem run naked and we sat in the bathroom for most of the day, I had the tv off and prepped the bathroom with coffee, my phone, books, m+m's in a bowl close by so she could see her winnings, some cleaning spray, a rag and some wipes lol, I had made us our own cave of survival. The first day was hard and frustrating, I wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't so we powered through. The second day was WAY easier, about half on the potty and half accidents, I was ok with this though, it showed me progress and that whatever I was doing was working...onto day three when we had no accidents (of pee, lol). Day four we had none and ever since then (it's been about 3 weeks) we have an accident every now and then but nothing major, it's usually she makes it to the bathroom and not quite to the toilet, but she told me she had to go and she tried her best to make it so I count it. Time equals progress and i'm so impressed with how flipping fast she learned that in, it amazes me! I'm so proud of her and also stocked I have no more diapers to change!! Nap and nighttime diapers is all that's left, but I know that part of training will come in time, i'm happy and Gem is happy she gets her candy :)
I won't embarrass the older Gemma and post pics of her on the potty with her ipad and books :) your welcome :)
Monday, January 4, 2016
HoLiDAy SEasOn TwO
HAPPY 2016!!! We are coming off of a great Christmas season. I miss it already, I love having a tree that lights up at night and smells so good, just something about snugging on the couch with a lit's a warm my heart kind of feeling. Gemma and I made my mom's traditional "snowball cookies", she loves to help mix and loves to sit on the counter any chance she can get. Christmas morning was nice, just us. I made Darin waffles which he's been dying for but we didn't have a waffle maker, well guess what Santa brought him this year? Hahahaha!! We toasted to Christmas and had a yummy breakfast before heading off to our friends house for lunch and onto another for dinner. We went to a Christmas party the week before and Santa was there......he brought Gem a present but she didn't seem too pleased with his outfit lol. I learned at Sea World over the summer that she DOES NOT like people dressed up as things, Santa included apparently.
We had a great New Years, spent it at the Franco's and had a nice steak dinner with all the fixings then went to watch the fireworks....Gem barely made it but she made it nonetheless. Here's a peek at our Christmas and New Year week.
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