Saturday, January 30, 2016

GeM's TWO!

Hard to believe but our little spunk of kid turned TWO!! I didn't mind the first year and some going by fast but now time can slow down. I LOVE her at this age, she is so much fun! She is so fearless (I have about 15 small heart attacks a day) and independent (the snuggle struggle is real), she's funny, adventurous and loves her friends. She's annoying at times but not for bad reasons, she just repeats herself like a broken record and it drives me bonkers lol. She's a very VERY busy kid, always into something....our place isn't that big but I feel like I prob walk/run a 5k everyday in a matter of a few hours and by night time i'm done, this kid is a lot of work, good work but a lot. The times she's a brat, time outs are our friend, she stands facing the corner and can't come out until she's done crying and ready to smile, it works well for her, we also bribe her, I love it haha. We're lucky to have a really good kid, everything about her I love, all her personality traits and weird things she does as well as her super infectious smile.

I decided (because Gem can't) that she'd have a luau beach party at the Tiki Bar! My parents came for Gem's birthday this year so they brought all the decorations down and i'm so excited! Something I love to do is plan stuff and then set it all up, it's rare that I ever get a chance to do it, so Gem's birthdays are the perfect little parties to create! Instead of gifts this year, we asked people to give money and we are donating on Joss's behalf (Gem's cousin who is 3 and has leukemia) to the CURE foundation in Atlanta, GA. Gem raised $250 at her birthday party!! Her friends are so awesome!

Happiest Birthday to our TWO year old, mom and dad love you to the moon!!

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