Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MotHErS dAy

Today is Mother's Day, (well by the time i've posted it, it's 2 days later) and one of the sad things about not living near our families is that we don't get to be home on days like today. My mom is very simple and Mother's day is just another day for her, nothing changes, and her schedule stays the same. She still works, goes to church and will go see my grandma just like every other Sunday. She is very simple and just likes us to go to church with her in the morning and eat a grilled cheese for lunch at home after. I love that the small things are enough to make my mom happy, it's not about presents to her or about spending $200 for lunch on one of the busiest lunch days of the year, it's about spending time together as a family just like every other day. My dad always makes it a little special for my mom, with flowers, a sweet card and dunkin donuts coffee, it makes her smile and she knows we all love her....I think she gets the same thing every year which is totally perfect with her. I miss my mom every day and I love her to the moon and back every day!!

Here's our mom with all her kiddos!