Friday, October 28, 2016

Trinidad & DDI

Tickets are so cheap to Trinidad right now and a friend asked us if we wanted to go for a long weekend with our families. We've never been but have always wanted to go since a lot of our friends are from there as well. So we booked tickets and off we went on our first family vacation with another family. SO.MUCH.FUN! Besides the 2 yr olds hashing it out 10 times a day, they really enjoyed their time together and so did the adults! DDI stands for Down De Islands, that's where we stayed, at our friends family house. We had to fly in, drive to the yacht club and get our boat loaded to head over. It's a quick 5 min ride so it was really nice to just be on the outside of Trinidad looking back. It was also really nice to pop over and get breakfast and coffee in the morning. We enjoyed every sunset, lots of downtime to enjoy the view, island toured to a beach far far away haha, watched dolphins swim through the bay during sunset, made some awesome food and drove the boat around to other islands to swim in new spots! Definitely will be going back!