Tuesday, June 18, 2013


YAY!! Finally I got to go to Orlando! It's been a long 8 months here in Barbados but they've all been fun ones. I never feel like I get "island fever" here like I used to in Nassau, maybe it's just because this place is simply amazing, couldn't ask for a better island or better friends here. We went to Miami for a few days for Darin's management conference then Sunday he left for Barbados and I headed to Orlando for a week. Felt good to be back at home for a bit and snug with Remie Martin Beiber Peepyopeep Potcake Yoda Doty Zubli (our dog who is now laura's), she snugged every night and every morning, waited for me to get home and sat at the window when I left. I spent some time cleaning out the back room at my house, it's been 3 years (since our wedding) and boy did I find some goodies back there. Laura, Teya and I were back there ALL DAY cleaning that room out. We had piles of stuff each to go somewhere, garage sale, platos closet, donate and....returning gifts from the wedding. That last pile had me almost in tears, I couldn't help feel so guilty for asking for these gifts on my registry 3 years ago, but they just sat here in boxes, never opened. I always had people bring stuff to Nassau and stuff anything else they could in their suitcases for me which worked out well, but I didn't even get half the stuff there by the time we moved to Barbados. If anyone you know is getting married and moving to an island I suggest you have them contact me first. If I had someone tell me this would happen 3 years later, I would of said cash or gift cards and just used them as I needed to. I did keep some stuff and I have a number of things here now, but after Laura and I made the trip to Bed Bath & Beyond and returned stuff (yes, 3 years later), I now have a store credit of $400, it was more than that but I splurged on some things for the house (in Orlando) and also some tervis cups (Darin and I use them like they're going out of style). So, if anyone's getting married soon.....I got you covered lol.

I also had a chance to celebrate my 30th birthday (even though it's 2 weeks away), I wasn't going to be home so we did it early. Shelby and I always celebrate our birthdays together and this year she turns 21!! We did a little low key thing, went to an amazing seafood dinner with my Tierney parents, then off to Kings (a bowling alley on i-drive, awesome, you should go), where we met my parents and Darin's parents along with a few friends. 

I had a great time with the people I miss and love, can't thank them enough for buying my ticket home for an early birthday present! 

I did a horrible job taking pictures, I have nothing.....i'm so mad at me for that! Sorry!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

DaddY's BdaY

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this man! My one and only amazing daddy! Someone I look up to, who I adore to the moon and back and the most sincere, down to earth father....you really are amazing and as any completely happy daughter would say, you are the bestest and my favorite daddy ever! I love you!!