Thursday, November 28, 2013

28 & 29 WeEKs

HELLO 3RD TRIMESTER!!!!! Holy crap that's hard to believe! A few things have changed in the last 2 weeks....Darin's been sick with a nasty cold that's been going around for about the whole 2 weeks, it's lingering now but we tried hard not to get me sick and so far it's worked, my gym days are down to 1 or 2 due to some pressure "down there". Walking is all I do at the gym and I try to keep it at a brisk pace but I can't walk fast enough right now, i'll stay active doing other things as much as I can and hopefully G will move a little out of the spot she's in and I can get back to the gym in December before I head to the states. I finished her quilt which looks pretty awesome :) i'd give myself a B+ if i was a teacher. I painted the crib one more coat and bought some gray paint for the wall I hope to do next week. That's all for me to set up before I leave.....when I come back i'll have a bunch of stuff to set up her room like her bedding, pillows, blankets, clothes, curtains, dresser and a bookcase....i'm looking forward to it though, it's my Christmas (in March lol) :) G has been on the move this week, it's super weird seeing her move instead of just poke and kick my belly, it seems to happen more when I lay on my left side and I got it on video the other day finally!!

This coming week is Thanksgiving and us American's love to celebrate and invite all of our local friends over for a HUGE dinner. Our friend Candice threw such a great Thanksgiving last year and she's doing it again this year but at our house!! I'm excited to help host, I have so much food I want to make (mostly desserts), and the list grows daily because of the show The Chew and their Thanksgiving episodes that have been on the last 2 weeks, everything looks so easy and yummy, I want it all!!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling lots of movement and LOVE it!
*loving the decaf Dunkin Donuts coffee my mom brought!
*1 month countdown until I go to Florida for a few months!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

27 wEEkS

As you know my parents were on their way to visit for an entire week!! I was so happy to get to spend some quality time with them and show them around Barbados. We (I mean, I) had a few plans for the week that included going to tour St. Nicholas Abby, paddle boarding, island touring, DIY day, trying new foods and lazy beach days....we got it all done needless to say :) Mom and dad left with lots of color to last them a little while back in Florida, they enjoyed the heat here but I know they were relieved to breathe the cool air back home. Besides all the fun things we did....I also had planned a DIY day, mainly a "fix things in my house" day (we all know Darin isn't that much of a handyman, sorry babe) because my dad is here and he's the best handy man I know! Got him to hang curtains, paint a crib, assemble the crib, move a tv from one wall mount to another room on the wall, moved a few mirrors around, hung some shelves in G's room, helped rig my couch cover, meanwhile everything is cement walls here so he even brought some screws and a drill bit because I wasn't sure I had the right materials :) My mom painted most of the crib because she loved the breeze on the porch so she was happy to sit outside and paint her heart away :) She also made dinners, random desserts and snacks while she was here (which was awesome!) My parents are so amazing, they love us unconditionally and want to help every way they can. Paddle boarding was so much fun! It was a little breezy but the water had great visibility (see turtles below). I love getting my parent's out of their comfort zone and making them do thing that they wouldn't normally do....I knew my dad would be up for it but I questioned my mom doing it, she did admit she came very close to NOT going but is glad she did and so am I, it was a moment in life when a daughter is so proud of her mother lol....seriously, if you know my mom you're probably as shocked at me and my dad were haha!! We had a few lazy beautiful beach days, relaxed with our noodles at some beaches and watched Darin body surf all afternoon at other beaches. One of the coolest things for them was probably the morning they left....they got to join me for one of my Dr. appointments! My Dr was so nice, he did a quick ultra sounds for them so they could see little Gemma and hear her heartbeat! It was nice to see our little one, now I know what are kicks and what are punches because of where she's moved to :) I fully enjoyed every moment of my parents visit, only wish they could of stayed longer but i'll be going to Florida in a short 6 weeks to have G so it won't be to long before I see them again. 

Gemma's room projects: 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*got 3 maternity shorts, they're pretty comfy....i like how they "hold" my belly, plus the buttons and waists of pants and other shorts aren't digging into me :)
*gained a whole 17 lbs!! YIKES!!
*feeling pokes and kicks a lot and LOVE it!
*love walking upstairs to peek in G's room and see it partially's getting real!!! ahh!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

24, 25, 26 WeeKs

WOW....I thought I only missed 2 weeks but it's been 3!! Oopsie :) Last weekend I was in Orlando and the week before I was planning out my days for Orlando...making lists of stuff, what stores to hit up first, things I needed, what I wanted to bring back and to keep in Orlando for mind goes a little nuts before I travel, even when it's a quick weekend trip. I also was training a new hire for the downtown store here so that's where most my days went. Anywho....about a month ago I got a message from my friends brother asking if i'd come to town and surprise his sister for her 30th birthday! I was happy to! Planning with her friend and brother for an entire month was interesting, but we got all the kinks worked out and it ended up being a huge surprise for her. We had shirts made and wore them around Disney to the food and wine festival on Saturday, then at night we went to dinner at Rocco's and her family and friends were there to surprise her too....she ended up crying, she was so happy to see her family all in one room (and she had a few tequila shots in Mexico at Epcot so i'm sure that helped with the tears haha). It was so nice to surprise people all weekend, I had to make sure she never found out so I didn't tell anyone (besides my family) that I was coming to town. Sunday my sister had a family lunch so she could introduce her new boyfriend to the family, it also worked out because Craig has a new girlfriend he introduced too and I showed up to surprise everyone and my family finally got to see my G belly! It was such a great afternoon at my aunt and uncles house, it's a comfy place and we have a lot of get togethers over there. I even got a surprise, Shelby was there from California!!! I was expecting Kay and Momma T but not Shelb so that was fun to see her. My family from Melbourne was there and some went bowling while Steph and I got to catch up shopping at Target that night, I haven't seen her or the boys in probably 3+ years, we think since Darin and I's wedding! Crazy how time flies! Monday I ran a few quick errands in the morning before picking up Mom Doty for a day of baby shopping and lunch! We found some really cute clothes and it makes me so excited to put them on little G! I've come to the conclusion 6 months is how long women should be prego for, 10 months is to long. I just want her to be here and play already. Even though her room isn't ready and probably won't be until we get home the end of February, i've collected a few things and started crafting! I recently got a sewing machine from the shop, so when I was in Orlando I found some great fabric for G's bedding. Mom T is making that but I decided to attempt a quilt, HA! It's amazing what you learn with youtube and blogs these days. I'm almost done but it's football Sunday so that will take up all of my day today :) I also made a "G" with a big cardboard letter and yarn, then added a little white felt flower I made, so cute!! My parent's come Wednesday so we have some fun things planned for this week and one of the days will be painting and assembling a crib and hanging shelves :) my dad likes handy work on vacation haha j/k, but I know he and my mom will be happy to help put some things together for their first grandbaby's room ;) 

***LESS THAN 100 DAYS TO GO!!***