Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oma'S TriBUte VidEO

Below is a link of a video my Uncle Dan made for my Oma....we miss her so much but glad to have these great photos of her to look back on.

Oma's Video

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NeW YEaR!! 2013!!

So so late with the first of the year post but HAPPY 2013!!!!! Hope everyone had a great holiday season, even though we weren't home in Florida we had a great holiday here together with some good friends. Christmas morning was just Darin and I. I let him open his few gifts that were under the tree and I opened mine. I had a secret gift for Darin that he had absolutely no clue about, a surfboard!! He's been dying to have this surfboard, so with some friends in Orlando helping me get the board from a surf shop, down to Miami and on a plane to Barbados! I had it a week before Christmas at a friends house and I was so proud of myself for keeping it a secret and for going through customs and that big mess all alone! I'm such an awesome wife, haha!! So Christmas morning was over and I had breakfast on the table, Darin went in to grab a shirt from the room and real quickly I went to the guest room closet and grabbed the board and put it leaned up against the wall next to our 4ft tree. When Darin came out he didn't see it at first, and I was just sitting at the kitchen table. He saw the board and was in complete shock, shook his head and just said "no way", "babe, you didn't do that".....I just said "ya, I did". He was so stinking happy, I think the picture says it all :)

For New Years Eve, or Ole they call it here. We had a big get together at our place, it's a great feeling to know we already have enough friends here that we can host a party! We ordered sushi, hung out in our condo with the doors open and the breeze blowing, music on and people were everywhere. After the sushi came and everyone ate, we headed up to the rooftop of our building where we had a stereo set up, tables with more food, drinks, candles and the perfect weather to be outside as we waited for the stroke of midnight for the fireworks. So glad to start the new year here with Darin, we are really enjoying our life here and are so grateful and thankful for everything God has given us in life, that lead us here on this awesome adventure. 

As for New Years resolutions....we didn't really make any, we would like to start a family, so that can be one :) other than that, we like the way things are and nothing really needs changing.