Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good morning daddy!!! I know you read this every morning...wanted to tell you that I love you, and I miss you so much xoxo!!

So I just got back from Miami, went to visit Fabiola. Had a great weekend and bought out Forever XXI I think. I have to keep up with "whats cool fashion" a little at least. I spent a lot of money according to me, but for most people it was probably nothing. We went to some really cool places in Miami; The Room is a really cool low key beer bar, Liv is in the FountainBlue hotel, it's a pretty crazy club....I won't go into detail about that one, my mom wouldn't like to read about it and this burrito place called Peppers, was outstanding!! I got home Sunday night and pretty much passed out.

I've also started watching these twins, Lucy & Harrison about a week ago so 2 weeks now. I watch them in the morning for just a few hours like 2 or 3 days a week. They are such cuties, and they're so good!! Darin says I should just watch kids all day and have that be my job. It's needed here trust me, everyone is always looking for a nanny. I just don't have the house to do it in or the length of time here. Since we're not sure when we're leaving I didn't want to start something then leave in a month and everyone would have to quick find someone else. The kids I watch now the parents know Darin and I's situation and we could leave anyday.

SPEAKING of leaving.....Darin's found out he goes to Nassau Friday (tomorrow)....not really sure how long possibly a few weeks, but we know from previous moves that sometimes it turns into a lot longer than a few weeks. He went from Turks and Caicos to Nassau in Febuary for a "few weeks" and has never been back's October, so we're just never sure. I'll be here in Freeport for the time being untill we know something further. This weekend is going to be super crappy since Darin is gone, Tony and Sania will be gone, Britton and Noel are gone, and Krissys gone i'm alone this weekend with nobody to hang out with and it's halloween!! I'll be at the resort beaches and Sparky's for Sunday football, so I have a little to do at least. I did get a phone today!! I haven't had my own number here so everyone's had to call Darin looking for me and sometimes i'm not with him. I got a "rokr or rocker" phone and typing on it is so old school, kinda fun! Well, I've got to go pick up Leanna now.....i'll keep you all updated!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Social Networking & Riding Scooters

The past few days have been so SO nice out!! Sunny, a little breezy and cool!! We've taken advantage of the scooter we have, and it's been so much fun!! I pray for no bugs in my mouth and none to smack me on my forehead while Darin speeds down the streets. He goes in and out of the middle dotted lines, trying to miss the little reflectors between each one. Today we went to Garden of the Groves. It's a tourist attraction here and i'm not all about seeing bushes and trees, but we heard there was a cool restaurant there. We arrived fresh off the scooter, and it's $15 to get in...I kinda told the lady we wanted to check out the restaurant and walked in...not really sure what she was saying to us as we passed, but oh well!! The little cafe was extended over a good size pond that had 2 waterfalls pouring into it! Really cool place, they even have a good looking menu but we'd just eaten my famous bagel, egg, bacon and cheese sandwich, so we didn't eat. Next time for sure!! I did try a "bloody cesar" which was awesome!! Our friends Britton and Noel were there, and they recommended it. Kind of like a bloody mary I guess. When we left I asked the lady what was in it if it wasn't a bloody mary, and good thing I didn't ask her before I sucked it down or I would of never gotten it! It's clamato juice, worcestershire sauce, tabasco and vodka....doesn't sound that bad untill I asked what clamato juice was, um CLAM JUICE mixed with tomato juice!!! EWWWW....but i'd already had it and it was pretty darn awesome! So, i'll have it again next time!

Since i've recently become a "tweeter" i've learned how to hook it up to my facebook so when I tweet, it goes right to my facebook also.....hopefully people won't be annoyed if I update my status/tweet more often. I'm still not 100% sure how twitter works, what the RT means and the tagging people and it not showing on their pages, but I guess that's how it's supposed to work? I've also noticed people posting pictures, and they're links. So you click on a link to be directed to the picture...pretty easy, but I can't figure it after a friend recommends something I try it but I can't find the app on my iphone, so i'm goggle-ing "how to upload pictures to twitter using an iphone". I've found there's 5 ways...I tried one and it didn't seem to work, so I tried "twitpic" and downloaded that app and now it's super easy!! Now if I "tweet" it goes to my facebook and to this blog!!! Social networking is so nuts, I can't believe we can do 1/2 the stuff on the internet by a few clicks of the mouse and automatically your iphone, facebook, twitter, blog and email are all synced!!! Boggles my mind!!!

I leave for Miami Thursday thanks to my FABULOUS friend Fabiola!!! She did get my ticket with Doty on it and not de Clercq Zubli so hopefully customs in the states will be nice to me with just a copy of my marriage liscense....nobody cares here lol.....MIAMI HERE I COME!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Orlando Trip Video

Here's the video of the 10 days that I was recently in Orlando. It was WAY WAY to big to put up on this blog, so it's up on youtube, just click the link below!! There's a little of everything, friends, family, dogs, kids, birthdays, so much when you have a good 10mins to sit and watch, you should! Enjoy another personalized video of mine! Thanks to all of my family who came to the cookout, Sarah & Tom for hosting it, Tom for introducing your Ahi dish to me, thanks Laura for your fantastic photo & dancing skillz at the wedding, thanks to Sarah for having Dom's birthday that weekend so I could join, thanks Alan for coming up with the dive and tube trip, thanks to Teya & Bry for staying ALL weekend with me, thanks Tierney girls for making dinner and letting me stay with the pups all weekend, thanks dad for having a skate night and mom for all your home cooked meals!! I loved it all and enjoyed every minute!!

Click Here:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exciting News!

No, i 'm not pregnant! lol but I have other exciting news! It's not set in stone yet, but do you ever watch the show "pawn stars", it's on the history channel? Well, the travel channel is talking to us about doing an "island pawn stars" show!!! It's a reality show, and it will be about all of our shops and what to do on that island, hence the travel channel. Not sure how it's all going to work out, but we should know more pretty soon. It's kinda cool to think about but then i'm like, won't it be so weird having a camera crew in the shop everyday? I usually go to work with a pony tail and no makeup with my glasses on....soon that will be no more! I've thought that the only down side will be getting up earlier to actually DO my hair and makeup. If anyone knows me well enough, I only do those things when i'm going out somewhere, lol....change is a good thing I guess. I'm excited about them filming the island stuff, and what to do here, where to go, those kinds of things. I wonder if we'll be a part of that too. I told Darin that would be fun because we've lived here for 4 months, and haven't really done anything that a tourist would do, so it will kind of force us to see the island and take advantage of what we have here. I write on here like once a week, and sometimes I feel like I write about nothing or that nobody is interested and i'm just wasting my time. NOW i'll be able to write about another cool experience and write about a behind the scenes thing, and what it's like being on camera, hopefully you'll keep reading my blog as it gets more interesting! Till next time!

For my family and friends with out facebook, here's a picture of my "perk" from my last blog. I'm so in love with this ring....UGH it's so pretty!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Perks & Football

Well this coming weekend we were going to attempt to go to Cuba. Didn't quite work out since the shop is opened on Saturdays. There is a holiday on Tuesday the 12th but the shop would be open Monday, so.....we can't go. Tuesday's holiday is Bahamas Discovery Day, kinda like a Columbus Day for the U.S. Update about East's officially closed! Our sushi chief came into the shop today and said it's closed since last week :( Now we don't know where to eat. Guess we'll have to venture out to find something else we love. As for the shop, it's doing GREAT! Still really busy most days, Thursdays seems to be the slow day of the week while Monday and Saturday's are the craziest, and they do very well. I got my second perk from Darin working at a pawn shop last week!!! My first was the stone in my engagement ring, which I still can't believe a pawn shop could produce such a good diamond, but it's possible!! My second however is my new pearl ring! I've wanted a pearl ring for so so long, it's my birthstone and I look at them whenever i'm in a jewelry store. They're so expensive though, just a pearl or maybe a few diamonds around it...I could never just buy one, and spend the money on it. Well....last week one came into the shop with a pearl set, necklace, bracelet, earrings and a ring!! I fell in love immediately!! It was PERFECT!! I asked Darin if he could split the set, just the ring. Needless to say, I now have myself one of the prettiest pearl rings i've yet to see!!! I love it!! Just one pearl, with little diamonds around it. You don't wanna know what I paid for it or you may just stop breathing!

So Sunday's now are "fantasy football" days. There's a sports bar called Sparky's that we like to go to, and it's free wings all day, and good beer specials. Darin and I downloaded the yahoo fantasy football app for our iphones, so we sit there and stare at the tv while updating the stats on our phones to check out the points. Darin won last weekend, but so far this weekend he's losing, still one game left tonight, we'll see if his team pulls though! The people at Sparky's are super nice, though they don't serve food till 5pm. There's one guy named Raffy, and he now knows to go get frenchfries for me around 3pm with mayo and mustard on the side from a nearby restaurant! Who knew!! I think it's the coolest thing that he does that for me every Sunday now, extra tip his way!!

I think this weekend we're gonna head to "the hole", basically a place you just go to jump in a hole. Darin's done it before with Chad, and I want to see this "hole" but prob won't jump in. I jumped off a cliff in Turks and Caicos, but that water was super clear, this hole Darin says isn't as high, but you can't see in the water....that part freaks me out. I think i'll just watch the guys jump. I haven't been to the beach in a few i'm hoping to make it there (down the street) this weekend also, as well as watch football.

Something new:
-we've started to pack our lunches...and finding out it saves tons of money
-our "dinosaur" is on the fritz
-wendy's breakfast is served with waffle fries instead of hashbrowns
-Darin finally got his temp work permit!!! YAY!!
-I can't get mail at the shop, had some stuff sent and found out I need a p.o. box and i'll probably never see what was coming :(
-medication is super cheap here, and with out insurance!!
-compliments go a long long way

p.s. the video of my 10 day trip to orlando is almost done!! it has everyone in it, I mean everyone!! Till next time....toodles!