Thursday, April 14, 2016

WhAt HApPenEd?

2.5 months? REALLY?!?!? Life obviously has been super crazy. In the middle of March we went to Orlando for 3 weeks but what happened to all of Feb and some of March? We had my parents visit the end of January then Tera and Brent came to visit the beginning of March. Darin has also been traveling a TON lately!! Anyway.....

Gem fully enjoyed her first term at school. She knows all her friends names and had a blast learning about transportation. When the term was over she had a 3 week break so we went to Orlando! She knew so much about the plane, the wings, the tail, the pilot (which I had no idea what she was saying until I realized she was pointing to the front of the plane, duh mom), the clouds and "up", she knew to buckle....I mean really, it was so crazy to see her just know stuff lol. This was also her first flight she had her own, paid for seat! Big kid status!!

Our trip to Orlando was so fun. We had more swim lessons, went to Seaworld and Universal. Did the Crayola factory and had lunch at the American Girl store with Gem's little cousins. Did a lot of shopping and eating Chick-Fila breakfast :) . Attempted a bike trailer ride with Oma and Opa but didn't get out of the driveway without a major meltdown happening, that resulted in a stroller walk with Oma to the park which Gem loves. She loves the dogs and their names are the first thing she says when her eyes open in the morning, she then has to go out and greet them before anything else happens. I got to see an Orlando City soccer game with the Tierney family on a Sunday Funday which was great, went shopping with a friend and no kiddo (which is nice to not have a tiny person grabbing clothes off the rack while strolling by), met up with friends for dinners and enjoyed down time at home with my family. Gem is at a fun stage and most of the time she's a pretty entertaining person and she had us all laughing so hard at her "skipping" and she loved when we tossed plastic eggs on her head and they'd break in half...she'd just laugh and laugh. 

The last week of our trip started to go downhill with a fever followed by a super clingy and whiny 2 year old. Once we got the fever down she was good to go, but then on the flight home we could tell something else was happening. She got really whiny and couldn't get comfortable and couldn't sleep, she didn't feel warm at this point but in the morning at home she did, and then it turned into a double ear infection, green boogies, fever again and a little cough.....our poor kid can't catch a break. We seem to be on the mend after going to the Dr so hopefully she'll get back to her fun self soon.

Next week Darin and I go to Europe for 9 days! It's our first trip alone, no friends, no Gem, no sharing hotel rooms, no meeting people there, just him and me.....kind of like a 6 year delayed honeymooon!!