Monday, January 30, 2017

GeM TuRNs 3!

Every year I probably say it but where the heck did 3 years go? They fly by so fast these days and it's scary! This year I did a popsicle party for Gem, since we have a great party house with a pool and huge back patio, we kept the party at home this year. Laura and Justin came to visit so it was special having them here as well.

Gem had a fantastic day with all her friends, she even had an ice cream truck come by which was a big hit. She really enjoys all her friends no matter the age and it's so nice to watch her be social and seeing her run around laughing and having so much fun, she's growing up too fast for me.

These days, Gem is such a character, she's her own tiny person.....we enjoy her so much with all her facial expressions (and she's got plenty), her stories that last so long it feels like hours, her imagination going wild while she's playing, how she says certain phrases and words makes us laugh so hard sometimes, she's a goober for sure and we love this age so much. Happy Birthday to our big girl, 3 is going to be a great year, we love you to the moon and back!!