Monday, November 9, 2015


I obvi wrote this at the beginning of september.....which was like 2 months ago's a read, i'll post more this week because a TON has happened since september :)

I meant to post my last entry weeks ago, but after Darin left for Cayman, things got a little crazy and then moving to our new place all by myself with a 1 year old and not having internet for the last two weeks made posting a little difficult. BUT......i'm here, i'm back and 80% unpacked!

With that said....PHEW, these last 3 weeks have been a tornado! Darin had to go to Cayman to help out the shop there and then from there he went to Orlando for a little over a week for work as well, so it was just Gem and I for 2.5 weeks. Normally i'd be ok (i think), it seems long and I probably would of got frustrated at some point but he left a week before we were moving into our new place and that added a whole other bag in the mix of already being a single mom for a bit. I packed slowly, every day I did a little and threw away a lot and gave away a lot. Packing with a 1.5 year old was a tad tricky, I had the back room as my room with all the boxes and kept the door closed, so I really only packed at nap time and after Gem was in about no downtime, holy moly!! On top of moving I also knew we couldn't sit home everyday, Gem needed to get out even if for a little bit so I made sure we had something to do every other day or so, just to keep her from getting stir crazy. Moving day came and my house was packed up, moved and unpacked in under 2 hours. I had 2 great moving men come to my rescue! Once all the boxes were in the new house and the men had left, I was just not motivated to do any unpacking. I had a friend Anna come over and she got started in the kitchen so that's where I started too. Slowly during the week with friends stopping by to lend a helping hand, room by room and box by box got cleaned out and more trash filled the dumpster. Darin wouldn't be home for another week so my goal was to get most of the unpacking done so when he got back he'd feel like he was coming home. I'm still not totally unpacked but i'm at about 80%, the rest will just come in time once I can figure out a storage plan, we're lacking on storage badly here. We've had a few people over to swim and hang on the porch and watch the sun go down, grab a bite at the golf restaurant a few steps away (oh right! i'm on a golf course and it's pretty awesome). We have our first big bbq and pool lime (party) this weekend with everyone, looking forward to a good day and lots of laughs and good food!

Gem has adjusted pretty well here, I was a little nervous at first because she was getting up real early but after trying a few things, I figured out it was the light in the am coming through the windows. No problem some blackout curtains can't fix, and ta-da :) my 8am baby is back!! Darin's now been home for a week and we're settling nicely in our new place. Happy to be here, to have all of us here and I think we'll really like it here.