Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BoY or GirL

o.....since this kiddo will complete our family, we had to know if it was a girl or boy! We really wanted to have a boy, but we have a girl already and she's pretty awesome so having another girl would be awesome as well. We decided to keep Gem out of school and bring her with us to the ultrasound appointment so she could see her little brother or sister in my tummy. She was quite excited but I know she didn't really know what she was excited about lol....when we went in Darin held her and they watched on as the Dr took pics, measured things and explained to Gem what we were seeing; here's his head, his arms, etc. We told the Dr. we wanted to know the sex but to put it on a piece of paper in an envelope for us. We loved with Gem we found out at home just the two of us and we could hug and be happy and celebrate....we didn't want to find out in a Drs. office with me laying there and him standing there with the Dr rubbing goop all over me lol....we loved how intimate it was last time so we wanted to do that again. Seeing the little kiddo was amazing as always, it's something of a miracle seeing that little person inside you.

We left the office with an envelope in hand that had that one word on a piece of paper inside :) I had an idea to go to a local macaroon shop....gave the lady the envelope and told her what was in it and that I wanted a box of white macaroons BUT one pink OR one blue, depending on what the paper in the envelope said :) She felt so honored to know before we knew, she said nobody ever asked her to do this before and she was super excited to be a part of it. We got home and planned on Gem opening the cookie box to tell us if there was a blue cookie or a pink cookie, needless to say we have it on video and she did a great job telling us there was a BLUE macaroon!!! We were both so excited but Darin getting a boy I think had him even more excited, so much so, I got a high five lol.