Thursday, November 3, 2011

ALaN & tHe AirPorT bLueS

Last Thursday we found out our Abaco fishing trip got pushed back a week and of course Darin's first reaction is to call Alan and tell him to fly down that afternoon because there's waves, 24 hours later Alan arrived. We had sponsored a comedy show Friday night so we all went to that which was better than the last comedy show we went to in July. We laughed A LOT!! Saturday we stopped by the farm for lunch and then the boys went spear fishing while me and Remie played on the big rocks and little ponds of water in them. She runs forever, she has so much energy and absolutely loves being outside, a true "potcake". Unfortunately the boys didn't catch anything, the did get a grouper but he swam away injured and then a reef shark showed up so they came in empty handed. We did the Senor Frogs night on Saturday, which was "Halloween" so all the costumes were out in full force. Sunday we got into the Atlantis Cove pool, which was a little dead but still such a cool place. Apparently it's like Vegas on the weekends, with lots of people and music. Not the day we went though lol. Alan made dinner for us on Sunday which was AWESOME!!! Hogfish Darin had caught a few months ago, with his new fish recipe, Alan made one of the best fish dinners i've ever had! 

I dropped off Alan Monday morning so he could get back to his real life and then stopped really fast at the other airport here to pick up something, came out 2 mins later to my car gone and towed to the airport impound lot. That's a long story but basically I was in my pajamas, had no phone, no purse, so not a dollar on me, Darin 30 mins away downtown at work, a $60 fee to get the car out and nobody would give me a break. So a little bit of a wait on the curb, a short ride on a free bus with airport employees, a few tears, a really upset husband, 2 hours later and $60 fee paid, they let me leave. Tough morning for this chick.

Today is our niece Jordis's birthday. She turned 4 today, hard to believe it's been 4 years already!! Happy birthday Jordis!!!!

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