Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Last minute decision....we weren't going home for Easter because it was WAY to much money. On Wednesday morning Darin decided we were going and it didn't matter, his niece was in town and if he didn't see her this weekend, it wouldn't be until maybe November (we're going back for a wedding). Our families haven't seen us since Christmas break, so it was nice to go home, especially for Easter. It was a short trip but didn't seem like it was a stressful one at all. Darin's family was at the lake all day and my family was out in Clermont at my Aunt and Uncles house for lunch. We had a little BBQ for our families and friends to come out and be together so we didn't have to rush and squeeze a bunch of visits into our 4 days. Darin of course found some time to surf with the guys as I got to see my mom for the afternoon. I was looking forward to two things on this trip. 1. seeing Remie, I couldn't wait to get off the plane and have my mom pick me up to get to the house and see Remie. I was missing her so bad lately, with all the videos and pictures my family sends me and facetime, seeing her all the time. I went to the backyard and my mom let her out there. She jumped on me and cried and rolled over  in my lap, licked me, tried to bite me (in a lovey way), and cried some more....she was SO excited!! She slept with Darin and I every night, waited at the door when we left, followed us around the house and waited in our room until we got home at night....we were so happy she remembered us and she's being such a good pup for my sister and parents. Casper may not enjoy her hyper-ness all the time but he's definitely lost weight from having a playing partner, he jumps for treat now AND he jumped up on the bed, which i've NEVER seen him able to do!! 

So my 2. was going to church on Easter Sunday. I've been itching to go to church lately. I grew up going to church and i've always gone every Sunday, until I moved and churches here are way different. I actually got the itch to go, I missed it and felt like I needed it. It's frustrating when I can't go and want to, watching online is great but not the same as actually being there. So Easter was great for me, great service, great energy, great feeling......needed that. Hopefully in Barbados there will be a great church for us to go to.

The rest of our Easter Sunday was spent with our families and a few friends. Fun quick trip home to Orlando, here's a few photos.....I did quite a bad job at taking pictures this trip, but I do have a few of Remie (hahaha).

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