Friday, July 18, 2014


A few weeks ago G and I traveled back to Orlando for 2.5 weeks. She had just turned 5 months old and she's on her 2nd international flight. She did pretty well on the plane, almost had a melt down when the plane got to the gate and stopped....just like the car stopping for a bit, she gets fussy, she'd rather the movement. We got through immigration great and met Laura outside and started our road trip from Miami to Orlando. Thank goodness G is so chill, she impressed me with how well she did all day. I was nervous about her not sleeping at night and her schedule she's on might get all screwed up because of traveling and she's not at home, but she adjusted pretty well. The last few days she was ready to go home but she stuck it out and did pretty well on the flight home too....I had an open seat next to me so she slept there most of the flight.

At G's 5 months appointment (in Orlando) she was 16lbs!!! I knew she had to be up there in weight, my arm hurts if I hold her to long lol.  She's teething for sure but no teeth yet, just lots of drool when she's chewing on things, and she is so so close to sitting up. In Orlando she went in her first pool and loved it which made me smile, we hope she continues to love the water and be our water baby. Our families were so excited to see Gem, especially the grandparents!! Gem's cousins even drove down from Georgia for a week to visit. This trip was so neat, watching G interact with people and smile at them and grab their faces, she's a little person with a personality. Jordis was so excited to have Gem there and even though Joss was a jealous 1 1/2 yr old she still decided sharing things with her was ok and would carefully give her a toy or try and share a cookie :)  G also had her first trip to the mall lol! I got a new jogger and went for a test ride the next day at the mall. She loves her jogger because she faces out and sees everything. After a few days of on the go everywhere, she would have a day where she was a hot mess and stayed home those days, simply out of pure exhaustion and her schedule getting all messed up....sadly my mom was watching her some of those days and had to deal with the crazy 5 month old...thanks mom!! For the most part she's really good going out and running around with me, she's on a nice schedule so I attribute her awesomeness to that. She's great at napping too, I know she's tired and just lay her in bed and she'll fall asleep on her own, as long as there's a/c and a fan she's good lol. Night time is the same way, bath, eat, bed and then I could go out to dinner and things with friends :) 

Since the last paragraphs: Things happen so fast, 3 days ago Gem started sitting on her own after her morning nap...weird lol. It's like she just decided she was gonna sit today and she'll sit for forever before she goes over. People always say "they grow up so quick", "enjoy all the moment", "before you know it...", "when are you having another" (that's my least fav). I believe all of those "grow up so fast" comments because I blinked and high school was 13 years ago.......i'm trying my best to soak it all in and enjoy all those moments but seriously, if another person says it to me I may roll my eyes in annoyance at them....i've got to think of something else to say to parents when Gem is all grown up and I come across little babies, I have a little while to think of something clever. A great follow up comment to my least favorite question "when are you having another" is....enjoy this one because you're next one won't be such a dream.....well thank you for that, something that already terrifies me, people seem to remind me of, well done.

Anyways, we're back in Barbados, Darin was so happy we came home finally and G is adjusting well back to her schedule and sleeping through the night. We have her 6 month appointment next week so i'll have some stats up soon :)

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