Thursday, September 4, 2014

FirST foOdS

FINALLY the 6 month mark came and then quickly left, that's how crazy i've been!

From 6 months: Gemma is now testing out her taste buds!!  So far we do oats in the morning for breakfast and a veggie at lunch time. She's questioned it all but ends up eating it and liking everything so far....we started with carrots, then sweet potato and zucchini. She's had a taste of banana and avocado but hasn't had a full serving of them yet. I'm happy to say no allergies so far and I can't get more food in her mouth fast enough, our chunku-munk loves food, go figure :) She continues to amaze us with that personality that is coming out, her laugh and smile are still as sweet and cute as ever, and her and Darin love their chat time at night before bed. She loves people and smiles at them all so they in turn love her right back, she loves touching faces, loves Pocoyo (a cartoon) and toys that play music. We're also so lucky to have a good sleeper still, it's nice having that time with Darin at night when she's in bed to just relax and watch tv or a movie together, ya know, all that stuff old people do.....and we're also still in bed around 10pm lol, that's been our bed time for years, what can I say, we like sleep :)

*17lbs 11oz, 25inches
*babbles like a crazy person, which is really funny
*still LOVES her jumper
*hates her tummy so she rolls right to her back
*still sleeps with the blanket covering her face...not sure that will ever end
*sitting up just before 6 months

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