Wednesday, October 8, 2014

ParEnTs VisiT #2

A few weeks ago my parents came for their 2nd annual Barbados visit. Remember how I said Gemma was so close to crawling that maybe she'll surprise my parents and do it first while their here? Well she didn't lol....still so so close! We had a great week despite the clouds, some rain, the car window breaking in the down position, using a trash bag to cover the window only to have it rip off and it start pouring rain on the way to the dealership, not having a car for a day, pools being closed, restaurants closed because September is "slow time" hence time to renovate and close, service for lunch one day was the worst i've ever experienced since living here....but we had one absolutely perfect day the day before they left, BUT...we had a great time because we got to spend quality time together and that's what's most important. We left Gemma with a friend one night and went to dinner at a new place we haven't been before and it turned out to be a really good meal and had a few really good laughs. So glad my parents are able to visit, they have a lot going on with moving into an apartment because they sold the house and are building another, so it's nice that they were able to squeeze a visit in. My mom and Aunt plan on coming back for Gemma's 1st birthday in January so that should be a fun sister trip for them. 

I decided recently that I was going to surprise my friend Jenny for her bachelorette weekend in Clearwater Florida. It worked out perfect that my parents were here the week before so I got to fly back with them and thank you Jesus because Gemma was a PILL on the flight from Barbados to Miami. No more afternoon flights with that girl.....and no more flights with my parents either lol, we had the WORST traveling luck i've ever had in my life. I have so much anxiety traveling with her because I simply don't want to be "that lady with a kid", any noise she makes I immediately start to panic and my blood pressure i'm sure is through the roof, so she and I both make it to Miami in one piece...besides Gemma being horrible on that first flight, we were happy to get off and finally grab some dinner and wait for our next flight. Little did we know the universe had other plans for us. We get off the plane and head for immigration, all is well...we use the new kiosks and print out tickets out but my mom's has an X on it. Dad and I go to the "fast lane" and get through fine while my mom has to go through the actual line which didn't look bad because she was the only one. My dad and I are standing there waiting for my mom who is taking forever!!! My dad goes to check on her and gets yelled at to leave the was about 10 mins I think before she finally came around the corner!! We get down to the baggage area for customs and our bags are the last 3 on the carousel....obviously because we took so long in immigration. I get my bag and head towards the LOOOOOOOONG Disney world line that looked at least an hour long....great! I'm starving, Gemma needs a break and needs to eat and this line is just so so long. I move a little in line as my parents are coming up and the security guy lets me and my parents cut through!!! What a relief we are now 2nd in line instead of 200 lol....we get though ok, head around the corner for security for our connecting flight and my mom gets stopped because her and dad's tickets are wrong for the flight to Orlando....awesome....something ELSE goes wrong! We have to go to the ticket desk and get new tickets printed, get back in line for security to head to dinner, food, a beer and finally our flight.....but no. Security went well (i thought), my mom and I got through and we're sitting on the bench putting shoes on, the door is RIGHT THERE and we're clear, no more bad luck!! Here comes dad and we head out the automatic doors, i'm thinking, watch the door close and hit one of us in the face just our luck right now. We get through about 10 steps and I told my parent's I need a beer stat, i'm about to freak out if something else happens....cue my dad "where's my phone".....are you freaking kidding me!!! I go back into security with him and after a few mins of confusion and no luck, anxiety and nausea kick in and I start to panic....we find it at the lost and found right there....OMG i'm gonna die, my heart is racing, i'm over traveling, I just wanna get to Orlando. We stop at TGI Fridays for dinner finally...the hostess told us our bad luck was over and we get a booth and are happy to sit and order. Dad goes to the bathroom, I pass Gemma to my mom so I can get her food ready when Gemma grabs for something on the table and I quickly grab it away from her but as I do that I knock over an entire glass of ice cold water all over the table, my mom, the booth and I just start crying, laughing too but they were more tears of frustration and insanity than laughter. This day has GOT to end. We eat, get to our flight, Gemma has a bottle and passes out, we get to Orlando and the bags are taking FOREVER, but Laura is promptly there to pick us up. We finally get home, exhausted....I told my parents I will not be traveling with them again lol.....jk, I probably will, but on this day, I feel like I never want to again lol.  

*top row is my parents visit, bottom is our flight back....that middle bottom picture explains our travels, my half beer and my mom overwhelmed as were all of us lol.

7 months almost 8:
*absolutely loves the water, she fell asleep in her float for the first time lol
*apparently doesn't mind sunglasses or hats at all
*loves to stand and play
*eats eggs and pancakes every morning and loves it

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