Tuesday, May 23, 2017

We HaVE a VLogEr

Gem does gymnastics once a week on Saturday mornings for an hour. I signed her up to keep her doing something active and since she swims daily, gymnastics is her other favorite thing to do so it made sense to put her in a class. Her other favorite thing to do is watch YouTube (the kids YouTube) and she watches a lot of gymnastics on there. I was recently sewing (yea I sew lol) some of Gem's clothes and Darin's when I turn around Gem has her yoga mat and her Ipad propped up with the camera on so she could watch herself (i'm assuming). The camera went from her chest up so it wasn't really on her, I asked if she wanted me to fix it so she could watch herself and she said yea, so I propped it up a little better and got back to sewing. A few mins later I hear her start saying stuff like "ok guys", "hey guys" and a few others I can't remember. I turn around to look at what she's doing and it looks like she's trying to show people what she's doing. So I ask "do you want to record your gymnastics so you can watch it later?" and she says yea, so I show her how to hit the red record button to start and then when she's finished to hit it again to stop. She goes on for about 15 mins still saying "hey guys" and it clicks to me, I think she's copying other girls gymnastics videos on YouTube, so I asked if she wanted to get her leotard on and make a YouTube video, she jumps up, screams yea and runs off returning with her leotard. Well I put that on, set up her Ipad again and tell her i'll hit start for her on 3, so 1-2-3 go and she started off with "hey guys" perfectly on cue.....here's the result, her first YouTube video :) my 3 yr old is hilarious!

Click below:
Gem's Gymnastics Tutorial

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