Thursday, July 29, 2010

Little Tings...

Some quick things we've learned:
1. We have no iron so I've been using my hair straightener for cuffs of shorts, and sleeves to get out wrinkles.
2. We don't have the Disney channel (one of my favs), Darin likes it because he doesn't have to watch Wizards of Waverly Place anymore.
3. Darin claims "blankie" has moved on to his side of the bed from now on (i think he's realized how much he loves blankie, because he also likes to tuck it under his neck when we watch movies in bed)
4. Finally a new(er) car with A/C and a radio!!! This time it's a Lincon LS, but we still have the "dinosaur" (our older car)
5. Only 1 food store sells cheese out of 4 that are around here.
6. I found milk for $4.99 yesterday!!! A whole gallon!
7. I can only fine Starbucks items in 1 store, and it's only the little glass jar of moca frap, and vanilla frap, and there's only 2 or 3 of each kind, so I buy in bulk.....the 2 or 3 moca ones.
8. If you own a business, you can't fire people for being late, because the whole island is late, there's nobody on time except us (for now, i'm sure we'll follow along soon).
9. Quiznos never has the toppings I want...but lettuce and tomato are always ready, basically that's all you get.
10. My new fav ice cream is the "Bahamian Flag", it has pretty colors in it, and it's yummy!
11. I hate doing dishes
12. We go to the same bar so much, that we walked up the other day and the bartender Leny said, Anjeo and diet? looked at Darin, and then said, a Kalik Lite? and looked at me....sheesh he's good!

That should do it for now. I've been filming some random stuff lately so i'm gonna try and put it all together and post that next. Hopefully it turns out ok! :)

1 comment:

  1. Married life (and life in general) is all about learning and being teachable. Enjoy it! Can't wait to see the video.
