Friday, December 10, 2010

Been a while...

I can't believe I haven't written anything since Thanksgiving and here it is almost Christmas! Oops!! Well the last few weeks not much has happened here, i'm learning a lot more about the pawn shop stuff and all the slang words used here, maybe i'll put a list at the bottom. Darin got a tattoo in our kitchen by Lil' Wayne the rapper hahahahaha, not really but that's pretty much who he looked like. I was a little nervous about the "at home tattoo" process but everything is sterile and new so don't worry. It looks pretty good, Darin wants to add a little more to it in one area when we come to Orlando for Christmas though.

We were recently in Freeport this week for a day to help out Tony and also to get the last of our things over there. I love that I can pick up and go to another island today if I wanted to. So weird that my life IS this....don't know when i'll get used to it, and when it feels real and not a super long vacation. It was nice to see Tony, Sania and Leanna again, hang out and sleep over (yea we stayed a night and made it a 2 day trip). The only problem we had was that we didn't have a toothbrush. We're back in Nassau now and guess what the first thing we did was....yep, brushed our teeth hahaha! Today we woke up to no power and no we went to work with out brushing our teeth. Hopefully this won't be as frequent anymore. Only on an island I guess your power and water is off just because.

We did get some awesome news this week.....we get to look for a new home here!!! Thank the Lord! This place is getting worse and worse between the toilets, shower, power and water issues....the backyard and porch is to die for though, but we're gonna have to leave our little piece of paradise. Tomorrow I meet with a realtor and look at 2 other places. One is a brand new town home across the street from the beach, and the other is in a really cool neighborhood with ALL the homes on a canal with a boat dock in every back yard! I'm so excited to have our own place with no issues to live with, and we'll have our own bathroom and closets!! Keep your fingers crossed it all goes well!

We also had some visitors last week...Drey and Shane came for Drey's birthday so it was nice to see them for a few days. The only downer is that the weather was a little breezy and cool....jeans and a light sweater kind of day. As soon as they left, it got nice out so Darin and I went to the beach for the rest of the day. Poor Drey didn't get her "bahamas" day while she was here. Maybe next time. On Thursday my friend Maureen comes.....and then I fly back with her Sunday to Orlando!! YAY....can't wait to come home and see everyone and eat good food! Darin found out today he gets the 23rd through the 27th....he is SOOOO happy, hasn't stopped jumping around since we got home today. See you soon everyone!!! 9 MORE DAYS!!!

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