Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GiRLs BarBadOs TriP

It's always nice having visitors come to town who have NEVER been to Barbados. I got the privilege of showing my sister and friend Jenny around my home island! We did all the tourist stuff which was so fun.  We rented a topless jeep to do the island tour all up the east coast of the island, stoping at really cool spots that nobody really ever gets to see because you have to off road to them. We drank one of every kind of foreign beer, stopped for a snack at the famous Soup Bowl surf break, went to Cherry Tree Hill where you can see the beautiful east coast from way way up. Another day we did the catamaran snorkel cruise to swim with the turtles and see a ship wreck, did an island tour up the west coast another day, also had a surf lesson with the famous Boosy here (the best on the island). It was Jenny and Laura's FIRST time surfing and they both did awesome! The sun was being shy the first 3 days of their trip but while we were surfing it started to peek it's way through the clouds and then it stayed for the rest of the week. We had a few great dinners and lunches with amazing scenery and the last night we went up to the famous Cliff restaurant and had a cocktail as the sun was setting and it had to of been the best sunset of their trip so it was well worth it. Of couse we had our beach days eating fish cutters for lunch and blowing up our floats to relax on and soak up the sun, nothing beats the calm of Pebbles beach and a fish cutter on a gorgeous Barbados day! Whether I live here or not Barbados is a MUST SEE before you die type of place, i'll know all the spots to tell you which will make your trip as amazing as the girls trip was. MISS YOU LAURA AND JENNY!!!!

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