Sunday, July 28, 2013

12 wKs & DaRiNs BDaY


I've started having really weird dreams. I wake up to them all night and hate it, i'm not a dreamer to begin with so dreaming every night is something i'm definitely not used to. I'm still getting dizzy spells often but hoping those will go away soon since i'm into my 2nd trimester. 

I've been going to the gym 4 days a week like a good prego does and i've had to switch to all the smaller weights because well...i'm pregnant, but I struggle with the light ones the same as I did with the heavier ones, I wonder if pregnant people get weaker because I sure feel like I am......not cool! I had a fun day at the beach with the Franco crew. Pebbles beach is one of the nicest here to spend a day and paddle board, watch sail boats, eat a fish cutter and float in clear blue water. I never wear sunscreen, I know I should, I remember to sometimes but I don't really burn, just brown (thank you dad for my olive indonesian skin) but when I was at the beach this week and came home I was so pink and burned, my nose even peeled!! I guess your skin changes a lot more than just getting some acne on your face, so now I have to make sure to put some sunscreen on before I bake the tiny human in my belly :)

We also had Darin's birthday dinner this weekend, lucky guy had 3 ladies join him for dinner :) We went to an amazing place called Champers, it's on the water and it's Darin's favorite place on the whole island. Even though he was the 5th of 7 birthday's there and the song from the waitresses was getting old, it was still special when they came to our table and sang to Darin. His actual birthday is on Tuesday so we celebrated a few days early.

I've been keeping you up with my Kadooment costume dilemma and someone bought it :( I'm not able to wear it but I just picked it up and it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so sad to sell it but i'll always have next year, plus I got a back up from a friend, i'm wearing hers from last year so i'll at least get to look festive. I had to try it on for my 12 week photo duh, I got one quick wear from it :) Isn't it absolutely gorgeous??!!
Darin's Bday pics

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