Monday, July 22, 2013

MulTiPLyiNG WiTh A LittLe HumAN!!!!!

 Pregnancy Ticker just found out our news!!! Hooray!! I've kept a little side blog to keep all my little weird quirks of being pregnant all here, so don't worry, you haven't missed a beat. Thank you for all the support and love you've shown towards our growing family, i'm sure you'll enjoy reading below.....go on, catch up :)

This week i'm still feeling great. Almost out of my first trimester and my only symptoms are dizziness when I stand up and sneezing. Lately i've been sneezing so much i'm not sure if it's an actual symptom but it's not been like this before I was pregnant. I also can't put clean sheets on my bed with out needing to sit for a quick break. I have no cravings, no emotional moments, no nausea, I sleep great and eat about the same. I'm extremely thankful that this has been quite easy for me so far, i'll probably say that many more times if things keep going well. My next apt is towards the end of August so we hope that we will hear all good things. 

This weekend is the weekend before "Carnival" or "Crop Over" or "Kadooment", call it any of those. We have a friend coming to stay with us for the fun festivities and we all got costumes to play this year in the big parade but now that i'm prego, I probably won't be doing any kind of dancing in a bikini down the street lol. I know people do it, but I don't think I am, i'm trying to sell it but if I don't, i'll definitely try the costume on just to see. Maybe i'll wear it out on the boat for fun on Kadooment Day.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feel fantastic still!!!
*maternity clothes...nope :)
*names picked out, YAY!!

This week we finally told our extended families and close friends. It's been so hard keeping it from people. Our families are dying to talk about it to someone, anyone lol, but they've been awesome for not spilling the beans no matter how hard it was and we really appreciate them for that. We sent out a picture of us in beach chairs with a little empty one in the middle through email and got a lot of love and support back. If there's one thing that feels great in life, it's knowing how many people are there for you and are just as excited and happy for you as you are. Telling our friends was fun, because when I was in Orlando last, we knew already. We didn't say anything because we just found out and some of our immediate family members didn't know yet so we couldn't say anything. 
They had no idea anything was different during my visit, though I did try and hide from most so I didn't have to lie if they asked (because everyone always asks). Plus I felt like I had it written all over my face and an arrow above my head floating pointing at me saying "pregnant, pregnant!". I used to be able to lie, but I can't anymore, i'm terrible at it. Next week will be a fun one because we'll announce it to the oh so welcoming facebook world where everyone in their mom is pregnant right now. Guess i've jumped on that wagon at just the right time lol!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feel fantastic!!!
*excited about my little something of a "belly"
*no cravings yet, but I do eat more....I think

This week has been all about relaxing. I've been to the gym and got back into spin class, although I just pedal at my own pace, people stare at me and probably wonder what the heck i'm doing because it's all wrong. I always have a front row spot on the right, same place every week, twice a week. I like the feeling of people watching me to help them do it right because when I used to sit in the back I always watched the front row people to find the rhythm, so sitting in the front makes me work harder because I know people are watching. Now that i've backed up a row or 2 every week, people are probably wondering what's going on with me....i'll tell them soon :) The week has been easy other than that. Had a storm that got close to us, the whole island closed down and then the storm turned north so we had a great couch/movie day..on a Tuesday :) Hopefully i'll have a little more entertaining stuff to write about next week.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*still feeling good, no complaints from this mama
*get dizzy every time I stand up, like a quick head rush
*acne is starting to clear up, hallelujah!! 
*telling our families and close friends next week, YAY!!!

Friday night we went out to Sushi with our friends for my 30th birthday!! Candice came to town and surprised me and it was really great to have everyone in one place for a few hours. We rarely have every single one of us when we get together, there's always 1 or 2 people missing but for my birthday all of us were there and it felt great!

Finally moved into our new place with the help of our friends on Saturday. I'm that person that has to move and completely unpack in a day, can't stand when there's things that are still unpacked and i'm going to bed, but that's how it has to be for now. I haven't felt exhausted yet but I know I can't work myself that hard and i'm taking lots of breaks. It would of taken me 4 days just to unpack, but thanks to our friends it happened in 2 days and Tanya made an amazing lunch for everyone as I watched :) I did a lot of watching while she unpacked boxes for me haha. The breeze here is AMAZING, there's so much space to spread out, feels more homie than our squishy apartment. Yesterday when everyone was over the neighborhood kids came out to play and everyone was in the streets, there was a new little puppy out playing too. I love that part of this neighborhood, it's small and close knit and the PERFECT place to have kids and raise a family, I think we'll stay for a while.
Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*still feeling good
*picked our names for a girl or boy
*deciding where to have baby D (Florida or Barbados)

I caught a cold from Darin, sore throat one day and runny nose the 2 days following that. I rested all day yesterday, didn't really have the energy to do anything. It's also moving week, so i'm supposed to be packing up the house little by little so we can move on Saturday!! This week is also my 30th birthday!!! We're going to dinner Friday with our friends so I hope to have a lot of this packing done by Friday.

This is the week!!! It's finally come!! I had my first real BABY dr visit today!! I'm 7w5d along (and i'll be 30 tomorrow, thought i'd throw that in), everything looks great, I love my dr, we got to see the heart beating and moving and got to hear the heartbeat for just a brief few seconds! I just laid there staring at the screen with the biggest smile on my face, my hand over my mouth and the other one holding Darin's. I had to move him out of the way to see since he was all up on that monitor trying to get video of the heart beating lol. We got our little humans first pictures to take home and put on the fridge and big smiles to go home with. It's all starting to feel more real to us and it's exciting and we can't wait till the next appointment!! Crazy there is a little person in there and how much your heart grows with love just looking at this little blob on the screen. I love that blob on my picture, can't stop looking at it :) HAPPY MOMMY!!

My due date is February 8th 2014!!! Funny thing is we found out on June 3rd, my dad's birthday and now i'm due Feb 8th, my moms birthday......and tomorrow is my 30th birthday!!! Guess it's a great year for birthdays!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good, a little crampy at times
*Due February 8th
*reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and also Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" (which is seriously the funniest book, I lol constantly while i'm reading, recommend this to everyone!)
*anxious to "feel" pregnant, grow belly grow (but not to big)

Just got home yesterday (June 16th). Thanks to my awesome husband, he's so sweet to leave me his entire suitcase from a week ago still on the floor with all his clothes in it for me to clean up. So, today was all laundry, cleaning, organizing our life back to normal and calling Drs. I have decided to go with Dr M here, many people I know have been to him and say he's one of the best here on the island. My appointment is next week (i have to wait that long?? ugh!) and I can't wait because it will be my first "REAL" prego visit!!!

Prego brain (which is REAL!) has kicked in....I left the other day to get darin from work but grabbed just my phone and walked out locking the door behind me. I didn't realize until I was getting in the elevator at our apartment that I had no keys and no purse, just the phone and good thing because I had to call for back up (our property manager) to rescue me, thank goodness it was only a 10min wait. Oi!

I know i'm pregnant, but since I feel great most of the time I've started to second guess, lol sounds stupid but I read something about that and now I know it's not just me so I feel better. The trick your body plays on you right now is "to be bloated or not to be". Sometimes I look like I have a tad of a belly, then sometimes it's completely flat, so that's what tricks your mind to think am I or am I not? 

Found out that working out while your pregnant is BORING!!!! I'll also add that it was a sad and sweat-less 45mins :( 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good
*anxious to know my due date
*thinking of names
*no cravings (yet?)
*to be or not to be (bloated)

I was SO incredibly lucky to be going home this week. One of the biggest things I was looking forward to was telling our family in person. I know living on an island there was a chance I wasn't going to have the opportunity, but I was lucky to have my prayers answered so soon and I was going to be able to tell them just as i'd been looking forward to!! We told our families in a special way, they each got frames that said something special to them. Of course I facetimed Darin for every surprise and he got to see their faces and reactions as well, which left me to get twice as many hugs....and I was happy to get Darin's share :) It was really amazing telling our families and feeling the love and support from them, this journey may be about Darin and I but it really does involve everyone that loves you. This is my parent's first grand baby and Laura and Craig are excited to be an aunt and uncle. This is the Doty's 3rd grand baby and Drey and Shane are excited it's someone else giving them grand babies instead of them again. My Tierney family is all excited also, Kaley and Shelby were the funniest to tell because I never expected their reaction, both sobbing their eyes out. Especially my Shelby, she tried so hard to hide her face and not cry but couldn't. Ohhh how I love our families!!

I found a Dr. in Orlando and had made an appointment months ago so I could get firmiliar with a new OBGYN and hope that when I did get pregnant (whoops) they would take me on late in the game when I returned to have this little human. I was referred to her by a friend and when I looked her up online she was from Jamaica! I know that's not where I live but I felt like she could relate with me the most, she would understand the difficulty of deciding to deliver here in Barbados or coming to Florida, how the healthcare is in the caribbean and so on. To my absolute relief...she was AMAZING!! I immediately felt like i'd been going there for years, I felt like she knew me already and to have another prayer answered....she agreed to take me on at my 34-36wk mark if I decided to be in Florida for the delivery!!! HOORAY!! I was sooooooo incredibly worried about that, I thought for sure i'd have to see a few Drs. before someone agreed to treating me in these odd circumstances. She did an "annual exam", nothing related to baby since I was so early. I estimated 4wks, but she estimated about 6wks (don't ask how she figured that out). I was happy with my visit and can't wait to return to Barbados and start all my prego care. I can't wait to see Darin, hear the heartbeat and think of names for our little human.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good
*i can't "suck in" anymore
*simply happy :)

So, I'M PREGNANT!!!!! I knew it! Today is June 3rd (also my fathers birthday). I took a test this morning and it was just on one of those strip things, there was one solid line and one faded line so I wasn't quite sure what that ment. After leaving it for a bit there were definitely 2 solid lines, but then I didn't know if it's just because I had left it for to long. I went to read the instructions and one solid and one light line meant that I was in fact pregnant, as a huge smile came over my face!! 

June 4, I got an actual "stick" pregnancy test and waited until this am to take another test and sure enough 2 solid lines, I guess that meant I was almost pregnant yesterday and definitely pregnant today lol. What did I do? Since I already kinda knew yesterday I pretty much stared at it on the counter and just smiled and though omg this is really happening! I was up at 6:30am, because I couldn't sleep, took the test, crawled back in bed and poked Darin in the face a few times until he woke up and rolled over to open his eyes. I held the test above us and said "do you see two lines too?" He smiled a big sleepy smile and said "I knew there was a baby in there". He came to snug with me and I started to cry (of course). I was crying because I can't help but be nervous, excited and scared all in the same emotion. Life was about to change, as Darin says "game changer" lol. I used to think what would be more of a surprise, finding out when you aren't planning for it or planning for it and finding out. I'm still not sure which one is more of a surprise but we were planning for it and I was quite surprised. I cried because of relief also, i've prayed that it would happen this month because I go home next week and it's the perfect time to tell our families in person!! I'm also relieved that Darin and I had no problems getting pregnant, some people really struggle to have a baby, month after month, so i'm extremely thankful and grateful that this happened quickly for us and my prayer's were answered and we are having our own little human :)

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*last night I kept waking up smelling peanut butter cookies (lol, prego quirk already?) I actually got up out of bed and checked the oven (i made brownies waaaaaaay earlier), it was off, but I swore someone left a door open up stairs and THEY were making peanut butter cookies at 2am!

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