Monday, August 12, 2013

14 wEeKs

We have done NOTHING all week haha, our nights are tv/movies, dinner and bed. We haven't gone out at all, I think it's hibernating time for Barbados.....everything goes quiet after Kadooment. Not growing a baby though...I swear I saw my stomach move this week!! Not like a quick thing, almost like it would slowly move to one side and get bigger in one area and smaller in another (like how you'd see in a movie when something would move under the flat sand and come towards you) I just stared at it and thought, no way that's already a baby moving, has to be gas lol. Still not sure what it was but it was still pretty cool to watch, I can only imagine when it moves all the time....I think i'll sit all day staring at my belly and not get anything else done because it's way cooler than doing laundry all day.

Dinner foods are starting to appeal to me more and more, haven't had to eat a bowl of cereal for dinner in a while. Also I haven't eaten a tums in a week! I just read the the 2nd trimester has started....I thought it was 12 weeks but I guess it's 14. I have blood work to do this coming week and i'm not excited about it. Since I tend to pass out for no reason often anyways (pre-prego thing), giving blood is another thing I pass out over. Thank goodness Darin is taking the morning off to sit and wait with me and hold my hand, my mom usually does it but she isn't going to fly down to hold my hand for 5 mins. I will never grow up when it comes to giving blood....I will always be a chicken and need someone with me.

We went to our first baby store this weekend!! I've been to a few a long time ago for a baby shower or something but i've always been in and out so THIS was the first time going in and actually looking at stuff for myself and not a list of someone's registry. We didn't buy anything, just wanted to look at some things and price stuff out so we'd know if it was worth buying here or just shipping over from the states. I took my 14 week picture in the baby store, thought it made sense :) I like to do my pics depending on where I am and what i'm doing....never been a fan of against the same wall in the same clothes every week (no offense to those who do that) for the picture. The giraffe I tried to straddle but quickly was reminded I had a long dress on so I had to just stand behind it...Darin HATES taking pictures of people doing anything but normal in public so this shot took a lot for him to quickly snap, he was quite uncomfortable, lol thanks though babe!! (you should see when he likes his food so much at restaurants that he wants a picture of it, he tries so hard to do it so nobody sees him taking it lol, he's so weird)

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*maternity clothes...not yet
*no more tums!
*making decisions on baby furniture, there's so many options!!

1 comment:

  1. you look adorable!!! so fun reading about your joy in being pregnant! good luck with the blood work!
