Saturday, January 16, 2016


We have reached the age where we send Gemma to school! We chose a near by Montessori school and Monday was her first day. She had her lunch packed and her sneakers on ready to go make new friends and learn a lot of cool things. I as well was ready to have my mornings with GMA and coffee also run errands without having to buckle and unbuckle another human on my busy mornings and ALSO.....BLOG!!! I have time to blog now! It's only half day so we pick her up at noon. 

Day 1, we talk about school, her lunch box, friends and how much fun she'll have. She gets excited but obviously doesn't know what she's excited about haha. We got to school and dropped her off but had a little resistance and didn't want to leave mommy's arms, she cried a little but we quickly left and before we left she'd found a toy with her teacher and was totally distracted. I did not cry, I know you're wondering. When we went to pick her up she was outside happily on the swing, when she spotted us she started crying haha. She used to do that when Darin came home, she'd get so excited she'd cry, so I guess these were excitement happy tears. She also had NO ACCIDENTS!! 

Day 2, making good progress, we had a little whimper but she willingly went to the teacher. I try to make my mornings quick, in and out in less than 15 seconds, literally haha. I don't want to be there and make her more upset because i'm still around, it's like pulling a bandaid off, the quicker you do it, the quicker the pain. Until she's adjusted and goes to school with a smile and understands what her morning routine is, i'll start giving her a proper goodbye at school. Found her on the swing again when I picked her up, no cries, just pointing and "mommy, mommy!". Teacher said she had some good laughing sessions with her friends today, i'm so glad she's adjusting so fast and enjoying her new friends. Also NO ACCIDENTS today too!!

Day 3, no cries, no whimpers, no look back either. My girl put her lunch box on the shelf and went right to the puzzles....peace mom! Alrighty then, so that was awesome! Went to pick her up and she was on the swing AGAIN, she LOOOOVES swings :) she was laughing and smiling, happy to see me but wasn't ready to get off so we swung for a little while longer :) No accidents today either!! I'm so freaking proud of her!!

Day 4, happy as a clam in water, she put up her lunch box and I asked for a kiss, so she kissed me and turned around and headed to the puzzles....this is the moment I teared up. She is such an amazing kid, so independent and brave, my little sweet and fearless soul, i'm so proud of you! xo

Day 5, it's so cute watching her put up her lunch box and then come kiss me bye. I'd say her first week went absolutely awesome. She knows her routine and she's happy to be going to school, I couldn't ask for more. When I picked her up, she was of course on the swings, she actually got off (which she didn't do the other 4 days) ran to the class room and came out with her lunch box and her art project she painted, like ok mom, i'm ready! :) Such a big kid so fast. 

She turns TWO next week!!! Ahhhhhh crazy!

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