Sunday, January 10, 2016

NeW yEAr & PoTTy TRaiNiNG

New Year's Day we spent the ENTIRE day at the beach with friends, it couldn't have been more perfect of a day. We watched the sunset and then all headed home. It was nice with the day being a Friday because then we had the rest of the weekend with Darin. We had a BBQ on Sunday with some friends, which was a great day as well, perfect weather to use the new pool toys!

In December we got our barrel which had all of the potty training supplies :) just a simple seat cover and stool, a few potty books and new panties (girl superheroes) haha. Since Gem has been born i've read a series called Baby Wise, which lead to pre-toddlerwise, toddler wise and potty wise.....I LOVE these books, I think they're spot on with a lot of my personality and parenting ways so I use it as a guide and it's worked wonders. Anyhow, so I read Potty Wise, learned what I could, decided on my way of training, prepared with m+m's as her potty prize and then waited till Monday to start. We started off focusing on the potty and what we do in it, so I let Gem run naked and we sat in the bathroom for most of the day, I had the tv off and prepped the bathroom with coffee, my phone, books, m+m's in a bowl close by so she could see her winnings, some cleaning spray, a rag and some wipes lol, I had made us our own cave of survival. The first day was hard and frustrating, I wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't so we powered through. The second day was WAY easier, about half on the potty and half accidents, I was ok with this though, it showed me progress and that whatever I was doing was working...onto day three when we had no accidents (of pee, lol). Day four we had none and ever since then (it's been about 3 weeks) we have an accident every now and then but nothing major, it's usually she makes it to the bathroom and not quite to the toilet, but she told me she had to go and she tried her best to make it so I count it. Time equals progress and i'm so impressed with how flipping fast she learned that in, it amazes me! I'm so proud of her and also stocked I have no more diapers to change!! Nap and nighttime diapers is all that's left, but I know that part of training will come in time, i'm happy and Gem is happy she gets her candy :) 

I won't embarrass the older Gemma and post pics of her on the potty with her ipad and books :) your welcome :)

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