Thursday, September 26, 2013

20 WeeKs

HALF WAY!!! It's crazy to me how fast that went....not sure what will go faster, the first half or the second. If I had to make a guess it was the first :) for one, I felt great the whole time and two, I didn't "pop" until around 17 weeks......this next half, i'll be growing a belly whether I want to or not, i'll probably get uncomfortable and wish it was over already, so I can see this next half going a little slower. It's ok by me because I LOVE the holiday's so anything to make Thanksgiving and Christmas time last longer, i'm a fan of! Then of course January 2nd I head to Florida until the baby comes.

I'm not a fan of Drs. always doing ultra sounds at every appointment unless it's necessary so I didn't do one at my 16 weeks just to find out the sex like most because there's a chance it could be wrong and i'd have to do it again anyway, I wanted to wait until the full 20 weeks. It only took about 15 mins, but it was an awesome 15 mins. He took fun pictures of the baby, measured everything and we got to listen to the heartbeat good and loud! I haven't felt any movement just pokes so it was crazy to see the baby moving around in there and me not feel it. Baby was in a little ball, with the knees in it's chest, one arm to it's side and the other on the chin and side of face like the thinking pose. It was kinda freaky because little Doty was looking straight at us most of the ultra sound so you'd see the skeleton of the face lol. We got a few good pictures to keep and we were done. Now....about the sex, we've been on the "not finding out" train, so we had the Dr. put it in the envelope so if we wanted to find out and do a gender reveal at our upcoming shower we could, but we had time to decide. After our appointment Darin is D Y I N G to know lol....since the baby looks like an actual human and not a bean, he's nos insisting we find out, he said the profile looks like a boy, so now he's more convinced it's a boy and has to know if it's not! To be honest, it's very hard to have the envelope sitting on the counter, Darin's tried to hold it to the light but the Dr folded it so many times so we couldn't see, smart man lol! A friend of mine had a good point, although i'm wanting the big surprise at the end, if we know the sex we're still surprised with the features of our little Doty, what color the eyes are, dark or light hair, tan like mommy or white like daddy so there's many surprises still left.....and she REALLY wants me to open the envelope, so she'll say anything that sounds good :)

We'll see how long we last......

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*i don't crave anything, but i do like my chocolate milk...a glass a day, usually at night, yummy :)
*maternity clothes...nope, i did order 3 pairs of shorts for my mom to bring in nov in case
*frequent bathroom visits, still
*feeling lots of pokes, i'm sure it's baby now and not gas :)
*i've gained 8lbs so far! ahhh!!

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