Sunday, December 8, 2013

30 & 31 WeeKs

You know what sucks.....when you have an event to go to and you're planning on an outfit, then when the time comes to get dressed you don't fit in it and have a slight panic attack because you've waited so long to get ready and you thought you already knew what you were your in complete rush mode AND pregnant AND feel like you're put together like a rag doll. After 5 or 6 different outfits, I ended up in a "go to" cotton dress that i've had forever, but dressed it up with some wedges so it didn't look half bad in the end....Ugh the joys of being pregnant :) It was also probably the first time in 5 or 6 months i've worn heels and I made it about 15mins at our friends birthday before I realized the extra 18lbs was already making my feet hurt (good thing I packed flats!!), no more nights when I can make it till 3am in heels for a while. So not only was it my first time wearing heels in months it was sadly, most likely, my last.......

Anyway.....I leave in 3 weeks to go to Orlando until G arrives. I had what I thought was my last appointment yesterday but my sugar was high again, I only measured (belly) 2cm larger than 3 weeks ago and I haven't gained any weight in 3 weeks so the Dr is having me go for another scan to check her growth and I have to do some more blood work. He assured me it's only as precaution and not to worry but I instantly wanted to cry from worry.....I held it in till I got to the parking lot. I don't care who you are, when you're a first time mom and a Dr says anything besides "looks like everything is going well", you immediately think the worst and what did you do as a mom to cause anything to not be perfect. I've talked to some friends and feel much better about the situation, i've got a lot of advice and support so i'm not nearly as worried as I was yesterday. My scan is Thursday (tomorrow) so we'll find out everything then.

As i'd hoped (YAY) everything is just fine (YAY). G is actually measuring 2 weeks ahead of me but my due date hasn't changed yet. We go to see the Dr in 2 weeks so maybe he'll change my date, maybe not. Purchasing Darin's ticket is now put on hold until I get to Florida and meet my Dr there and see what he says then we'll have a better idea of when to get Darin's ticket. 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*finished my baby registry! Yay!
*G is 4lbs and head down, feet up, completely vertical :)
*gained zero since my last visit so still at 18lbs, that's going to rapidly change soon...ahhh!!!
*feeling great!!
*3 weeks till Orlando!

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