Sunday, January 29, 2012

ReMiE's NeW hoMe

SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH...that was the longest "sigh", just so you know.....A lot has happened since my last post. Emotionally it's been pretty intense. Up until this last weekt i've cried just about every day. Our pup Remie has had a hard time finding a good home and it's breaking my heart. My brother had her and for reasons had to tell me it wasn't going to work out, then a friend of mine had her for a week and things were going well, she loved the two girls and her husband was loving his new bff, for other reasons the roommate was having issues with Remie and wasn't being fair to her when she was home alone with her, so my friend and her husband didn't feel like it was fair for Remie to be treated like that and she could find a better home. At this point i'm absolutely lost for words or ideas. I have no clue what to do with Remie, I just want to take her with us, I want to come and rescue her. She just needs a loving home to give her a chance to be a dog. She isn't in one place long enough to get used to things. She loves the outside and the grass, which we didn't have here, she likes the dog park too which helps her socialize with dogs since we couldn't do that here either, she's learned to like kids and meets new people all the time......she's going to be a pretty awesome dog, especially when she learns how to walk on a leash and the "come" command lol. Thanks to my forever amazing family, my mom was tired of Remie not having a real home so she, my dad, my sister and Casper took her in. My dad and her started out a little rough, but my sister helps and my mom is home all day and says she loves being outside on the porch and does really well at home for her. She's been there for almost a week and I pray every night that Remie is a good dog and my dad finds the love in his heart for another pup. She'll be 10 months old this week so she's got a lot to learn and probably more trouble to get into before the puppy stage is over. I still hope something changes in Barbados and i'm able to bring her, but until then she's in the best home ever and Casper is probably teaching her stuff and they might annoy each other sometimes but you can tell they're becoming buddies. Thanks again to my family for putting my emotions at ease by taking Remie, I can't thank you enough, any dog would be so lucky to have you as a family and Remie got that chance.

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