Friday, August 10, 2012

GuiNeP sEasON

For only a few months out of the year (I think 2), the street vendors here not only sell the usual phone mins cards, boiled peanuts, news papers and snacks, they now sell Guineps! The peanuts are in brown baggies and the guineps are in clear bags so you'll always know what they have. This fruit simply grows on trees, people pick them and sell them on the street corners to people like me who love them and don't have the time or know what the tree even looks like to pick my own, but at .50 cents a bag, it's a bargin! I consume these any chance I can these days, I have my $1 ready to hand out the window at any moment. This little fruit, about the size of a large grape has a tight leather type skin that you pop when you bite into it with your teeth, it opens up and you eat the inside orange part which is the part that covers the seed, you can eat the seed to but I don't. Once you pop the little orange fruit in your mouth you basically just suck the tangy part off the seed. After so many my lips start to feel funny, but that doesn't stop me...they are too good!!

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