Friday, January 28, 2011


Found out yesterday my mom and dad are coming to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it and for 5 days!!?? If you know my parents you know my mom doesn't like boats and my dad doesn't like to fly. He claims he doesn't mind flying it's the crashing part he doesn't like, true for all of us I think. So, my parents with their fears of everything leave them stranded on land. For birthday's or anniversaries they go to the west coast of Florida to the beach, or up to Tennessee or Virginia, wherever their BFF's Jackie and Jeff live. After my wedding my parents got passports!!! So when they come to Nassau it will be their first passport stamp, and their in their 50's. They have been to Jamaica before, several years ago, but they never left the resort. So i'm counting THIS as their first out of country experience. While they're here, they'll be staying with us in our home, not at a resort. They'll experience the pawn shop and all it's wonderful Bahamians, be forced to eat conch, fight through the straw market, take a shot of tequila at senor frogs, ride in our right hand drive car, hit up the food store and all of it's glory, of course go to the beach and bake, so my dad and I can have our "who can get darker" competition. Usually it lasts through the summer, but we only have 5 days together, and I bet i'll win!! HA HA!!! We'll be plenty busy, and i'm happy to show them something different than the "American" way. It will be a complete eye opening experience I think, so i'll be sure to get lots of pictures of all the "firsts" while they're here. I CAN'T WAIT TILL YOU GET HERE!!!! ONLY 4 WEEKS!!!!

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