Monday, December 23, 2013

32 & 33 wEEks

It's funny being pregnant right now, i'm not counting the days till Christmas, in fact Christmas is almost non existant besides my small 4ft Christmas tree with a few presents underneath for friends. I'm counting down the days till I go to Florida and counting down the days till G arrives, I forget Christmas is just THIS WEEK....that's crazy! I finished painting in G's room last week so the only thing i'd like to do before I leave is add another bar to hang clothes on in her closet, the top one is so high up, I want one a little lower....and maybe Darin will add a shelf for me too :) We had a few things planned for the week before I leave. We went to a Christmas party, had one last sushi night with the gang, the Christmas Eve service, dinner at a friends house and then Christmas day dinner is by us, then I leave the next day on the early flight out. 

We had a Dr. appointment with the pediatrician that G will go to, she comes highly recommended so I feel good about choosing her...our little interview met our expectations if not better and i'm very excited to have her take care of our little one soon. I also had a Dr appointment to go over my blood work and ultrasound from 2 weeks ago, we heard all good news and have nothing to worry about before I leave this island for 2+ months. My sugar was normal also so that was good and I also gained a whole 5lbs!! EEEEEEK! I said bye to my Dr and his sweet staff, got all my paperwork in order and that's that!! 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*G moves so gracefully in my belly, glad she's so sweet, hope it stays that way :)
*gained 5lbs in 2 weeks! I gained nothing the 4 weeks before that so I kinda expected that! Ahhhh!!
*3 days till Orlando!
*Christmas in 2 days!!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

30 & 31 WeeKs

You know what sucks.....when you have an event to go to and you're planning on an outfit, then when the time comes to get dressed you don't fit in it and have a slight panic attack because you've waited so long to get ready and you thought you already knew what you were your in complete rush mode AND pregnant AND feel like you're put together like a rag doll. After 5 or 6 different outfits, I ended up in a "go to" cotton dress that i've had forever, but dressed it up with some wedges so it didn't look half bad in the end....Ugh the joys of being pregnant :) It was also probably the first time in 5 or 6 months i've worn heels and I made it about 15mins at our friends birthday before I realized the extra 18lbs was already making my feet hurt (good thing I packed flats!!), no more nights when I can make it till 3am in heels for a while. So not only was it my first time wearing heels in months it was sadly, most likely, my last.......

Anyway.....I leave in 3 weeks to go to Orlando until G arrives. I had what I thought was my last appointment yesterday but my sugar was high again, I only measured (belly) 2cm larger than 3 weeks ago and I haven't gained any weight in 3 weeks so the Dr is having me go for another scan to check her growth and I have to do some more blood work. He assured me it's only as precaution and not to worry but I instantly wanted to cry from worry.....I held it in till I got to the parking lot. I don't care who you are, when you're a first time mom and a Dr says anything besides "looks like everything is going well", you immediately think the worst and what did you do as a mom to cause anything to not be perfect. I've talked to some friends and feel much better about the situation, i've got a lot of advice and support so i'm not nearly as worried as I was yesterday. My scan is Thursday (tomorrow) so we'll find out everything then.

As i'd hoped (YAY) everything is just fine (YAY). G is actually measuring 2 weeks ahead of me but my due date hasn't changed yet. We go to see the Dr in 2 weeks so maybe he'll change my date, maybe not. Purchasing Darin's ticket is now put on hold until I get to Florida and meet my Dr there and see what he says then we'll have a better idea of when to get Darin's ticket. 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*finished my baby registry! Yay!
*G is 4lbs and head down, feet up, completely vertical :)
*gained zero since my last visit so still at 18lbs, that's going to rapidly change soon...ahhh!!!
*feeling great!!
*3 weeks till Orlando!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

28 & 29 WeEKs

HELLO 3RD TRIMESTER!!!!! Holy crap that's hard to believe! A few things have changed in the last 2 weeks....Darin's been sick with a nasty cold that's been going around for about the whole 2 weeks, it's lingering now but we tried hard not to get me sick and so far it's worked, my gym days are down to 1 or 2 due to some pressure "down there". Walking is all I do at the gym and I try to keep it at a brisk pace but I can't walk fast enough right now, i'll stay active doing other things as much as I can and hopefully G will move a little out of the spot she's in and I can get back to the gym in December before I head to the states. I finished her quilt which looks pretty awesome :) i'd give myself a B+ if i was a teacher. I painted the crib one more coat and bought some gray paint for the wall I hope to do next week. That's all for me to set up before I leave.....when I come back i'll have a bunch of stuff to set up her room like her bedding, pillows, blankets, clothes, curtains, dresser and a bookcase....i'm looking forward to it though, it's my Christmas (in March lol) :) G has been on the move this week, it's super weird seeing her move instead of just poke and kick my belly, it seems to happen more when I lay on my left side and I got it on video the other day finally!!

This coming week is Thanksgiving and us American's love to celebrate and invite all of our local friends over for a HUGE dinner. Our friend Candice threw such a great Thanksgiving last year and she's doing it again this year but at our house!! I'm excited to help host, I have so much food I want to make (mostly desserts), and the list grows daily because of the show The Chew and their Thanksgiving episodes that have been on the last 2 weeks, everything looks so easy and yummy, I want it all!!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling lots of movement and LOVE it!
*loving the decaf Dunkin Donuts coffee my mom brought!
*1 month countdown until I go to Florida for a few months!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

27 wEEkS

As you know my parents were on their way to visit for an entire week!! I was so happy to get to spend some quality time with them and show them around Barbados. We (I mean, I) had a few plans for the week that included going to tour St. Nicholas Abby, paddle boarding, island touring, DIY day, trying new foods and lazy beach days....we got it all done needless to say :) Mom and dad left with lots of color to last them a little while back in Florida, they enjoyed the heat here but I know they were relieved to breathe the cool air back home. Besides all the fun things we did....I also had planned a DIY day, mainly a "fix things in my house" day (we all know Darin isn't that much of a handyman, sorry babe) because my dad is here and he's the best handy man I know! Got him to hang curtains, paint a crib, assemble the crib, move a tv from one wall mount to another room on the wall, moved a few mirrors around, hung some shelves in G's room, helped rig my couch cover, meanwhile everything is cement walls here so he even brought some screws and a drill bit because I wasn't sure I had the right materials :) My mom painted most of the crib because she loved the breeze on the porch so she was happy to sit outside and paint her heart away :) She also made dinners, random desserts and snacks while she was here (which was awesome!) My parents are so amazing, they love us unconditionally and want to help every way they can. Paddle boarding was so much fun! It was a little breezy but the water had great visibility (see turtles below). I love getting my parent's out of their comfort zone and making them do thing that they wouldn't normally do....I knew my dad would be up for it but I questioned my mom doing it, she did admit she came very close to NOT going but is glad she did and so am I, it was a moment in life when a daughter is so proud of her mother lol....seriously, if you know my mom you're probably as shocked at me and my dad were haha!! We had a few lazy beautiful beach days, relaxed with our noodles at some beaches and watched Darin body surf all afternoon at other beaches. One of the coolest things for them was probably the morning they left....they got to join me for one of my Dr. appointments! My Dr was so nice, he did a quick ultra sounds for them so they could see little Gemma and hear her heartbeat! It was nice to see our little one, now I know what are kicks and what are punches because of where she's moved to :) I fully enjoyed every moment of my parents visit, only wish they could of stayed longer but i'll be going to Florida in a short 6 weeks to have G so it won't be to long before I see them again. 

Gemma's room projects: 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*got 3 maternity shorts, they're pretty comfy....i like how they "hold" my belly, plus the buttons and waists of pants and other shorts aren't digging into me :)
*gained a whole 17 lbs!! YIKES!!
*feeling pokes and kicks a lot and LOVE it!
*love walking upstairs to peek in G's room and see it partially's getting real!!! ahh!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

24, 25, 26 WeeKs

WOW....I thought I only missed 2 weeks but it's been 3!! Oopsie :) Last weekend I was in Orlando and the week before I was planning out my days for Orlando...making lists of stuff, what stores to hit up first, things I needed, what I wanted to bring back and to keep in Orlando for mind goes a little nuts before I travel, even when it's a quick weekend trip. I also was training a new hire for the downtown store here so that's where most my days went. Anywho....about a month ago I got a message from my friends brother asking if i'd come to town and surprise his sister for her 30th birthday! I was happy to! Planning with her friend and brother for an entire month was interesting, but we got all the kinks worked out and it ended up being a huge surprise for her. We had shirts made and wore them around Disney to the food and wine festival on Saturday, then at night we went to dinner at Rocco's and her family and friends were there to surprise her too....she ended up crying, she was so happy to see her family all in one room (and she had a few tequila shots in Mexico at Epcot so i'm sure that helped with the tears haha). It was so nice to surprise people all weekend, I had to make sure she never found out so I didn't tell anyone (besides my family) that I was coming to town. Sunday my sister had a family lunch so she could introduce her new boyfriend to the family, it also worked out because Craig has a new girlfriend he introduced too and I showed up to surprise everyone and my family finally got to see my G belly! It was such a great afternoon at my aunt and uncles house, it's a comfy place and we have a lot of get togethers over there. I even got a surprise, Shelby was there from California!!! I was expecting Kay and Momma T but not Shelb so that was fun to see her. My family from Melbourne was there and some went bowling while Steph and I got to catch up shopping at Target that night, I haven't seen her or the boys in probably 3+ years, we think since Darin and I's wedding! Crazy how time flies! Monday I ran a few quick errands in the morning before picking up Mom Doty for a day of baby shopping and lunch! We found some really cute clothes and it makes me so excited to put them on little G! I've come to the conclusion 6 months is how long women should be prego for, 10 months is to long. I just want her to be here and play already. Even though her room isn't ready and probably won't be until we get home the end of February, i've collected a few things and started crafting! I recently got a sewing machine from the shop, so when I was in Orlando I found some great fabric for G's bedding. Mom T is making that but I decided to attempt a quilt, HA! It's amazing what you learn with youtube and blogs these days. I'm almost done but it's football Sunday so that will take up all of my day today :) I also made a "G" with a big cardboard letter and yarn, then added a little white felt flower I made, so cute!! My parent's come Wednesday so we have some fun things planned for this week and one of the days will be painting and assembling a crib and hanging shelves :) my dad likes handy work on vacation haha j/k, but I know he and my mom will be happy to help put some things together for their first grandbaby's room ;) 

***LESS THAN 100 DAYS TO GO!!***

Sunday, October 13, 2013

23 WeeKs

Last stretch of the 5th month!! Darin is super super busy at work, he hasn't had a day off in a while, gets home after 7pm every night, eats dinner then ends up passing out on the couch around 9pm. He of course has Sundays but it's not enough time to catch up on anything before the week starts all over again, poor guy. Other than Darin being exhausted everyday, everything else is going great! I had a good week at the gym (love when I get a good week in), I bought a Keurig coffee maker and it's our new morning best friend! I even found Darin a special togo cup :) I bought a sewing machine too!! Nice condition and super cheap.....not sure what i'll make but after looking at Pintrest and Etsy all day it's inspiring me to make stuff, what kind of disasters they'll end up being? Who knows but i'm feeling crafty (jazz hands)! 

G had a few quiet days this week but she's come around to her normal schedule the last 2 days. I feel her in the morning for a bit then feel her at night when i'm sitting on the couch watching tv. She's active for about an hour then she's quiet. Every now and then i'll get a kick or a poke during the day but that's about it. I got her a crib last week, it's a lighter wood color so Darin's gotta sand it down for me and paint it white :) A friend of mine also gave me a bumbo seat, a high chair and a swing, so we now have a pile of stuff in the garage that seems to keep growing. I figure it's ok, the bigger the pile means hopefully the more we're prepared ;)

I've been keeping track in the same outfit for a few weeks to see the actual size change of the belly, I see some change but I think I was expecting a lot more so i'll keep doing it and see what comes in month 6! Sheesh, where did the time go? Seriously?

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*I come home Dec 26th till G comes!!
*no food cravings still! (i don't think i'll ever understand that one, maybe next baby)
*no maternity clothes, just a belly band :)
*wish there were pumpkin patches here.....i miss that part of fall

Sunday, October 6, 2013

21 & 22 wEEkS you all guessed, we didn't last long. It was really hard having the envelope sitting here staring at us. If Darin was still on the fence about finding out, I think we would of made it a lot longer and possibly to the end but he HAD to know. Every time he was in the kitchen, if I heard a chip bag opening i'd have to look and make sure he wasn't messing with the envelope lol. So, we agreed to find out together, we did make it 4 days hahaha!! I asked my best Teya to help us surprise our families so it's not just a boring facetime call. She made a box and put the right color balloon in it so when it was opened it would float out, she's very crafty so I knew it would look great. She had instructions to not tell anyone what she was doing so when we facetimed our families they were expecting us to say something but then there was a knock at the door and they got all confused, I thought it was funny watching them all look at each other saying "did you hear that", "did someone knock", "is someone here", "is anyone expecting someone", hahaha we got them good!! Teya made sure to get it all on video and she took before and after pics too! Nobody cared what the baby's sex was but we made them all guess anyway....the Doty's were first, Mr. Doty said boy, Mrs said girl and they opened the box and were so happy to be having a 3rd grand daughter!! Next was the Zubli's, my sister said boy, brother said boy, mom said she didn't care and my dad went with girl because everyone else said boy, when they opened the box, my dad said "that's right!" lol, it was so fun watching our families be surprised, everyone is of course happy and super excited...ok now go buy stuff!!

This week has been very busy with friends babies. Two of my longest best friends had their babies and my cousin had hers too! Baby Samara Oct 3rd, Little Everlee Oct 4th and Handsome McKay Oct 5th. Needless to say I was glued to my phone for 3 days waiting for updates and pictures. All babies and mommas are happy and healthy and the 3 little babies are all such cuties, wish I was home to snug with all of them, but soon enough i'll get my fill :)   
                                                                 This is my Grammie and Poppie                   
                                This is my Oma and Opa

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*99% on our name
*started sleeping with a pillow between my legs (why didn't i do this before, it's so comfy!)
*more poking going on, sometimes it startles me and my legs jerk
*started picking out room colors and patterns

Thursday, September 26, 2013

20 WeeKs

HALF WAY!!! It's crazy to me how fast that went....not sure what will go faster, the first half or the second. If I had to make a guess it was the first :) for one, I felt great the whole time and two, I didn't "pop" until around 17 weeks......this next half, i'll be growing a belly whether I want to or not, i'll probably get uncomfortable and wish it was over already, so I can see this next half going a little slower. It's ok by me because I LOVE the holiday's so anything to make Thanksgiving and Christmas time last longer, i'm a fan of! Then of course January 2nd I head to Florida until the baby comes.

I'm not a fan of Drs. always doing ultra sounds at every appointment unless it's necessary so I didn't do one at my 16 weeks just to find out the sex like most because there's a chance it could be wrong and i'd have to do it again anyway, I wanted to wait until the full 20 weeks. It only took about 15 mins, but it was an awesome 15 mins. He took fun pictures of the baby, measured everything and we got to listen to the heartbeat good and loud! I haven't felt any movement just pokes so it was crazy to see the baby moving around in there and me not feel it. Baby was in a little ball, with the knees in it's chest, one arm to it's side and the other on the chin and side of face like the thinking pose. It was kinda freaky because little Doty was looking straight at us most of the ultra sound so you'd see the skeleton of the face lol. We got a few good pictures to keep and we were done. Now....about the sex, we've been on the "not finding out" train, so we had the Dr. put it in the envelope so if we wanted to find out and do a gender reveal at our upcoming shower we could, but we had time to decide. After our appointment Darin is D Y I N G to know lol....since the baby looks like an actual human and not a bean, he's nos insisting we find out, he said the profile looks like a boy, so now he's more convinced it's a boy and has to know if it's not! To be honest, it's very hard to have the envelope sitting on the counter, Darin's tried to hold it to the light but the Dr folded it so many times so we couldn't see, smart man lol! A friend of mine had a good point, although i'm wanting the big surprise at the end, if we know the sex we're still surprised with the features of our little Doty, what color the eyes are, dark or light hair, tan like mommy or white like daddy so there's many surprises still left.....and she REALLY wants me to open the envelope, so she'll say anything that sounds good :)

We'll see how long we last......

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*i don't crave anything, but i do like my chocolate milk...a glass a day, usually at night, yummy :)
*maternity clothes...nope, i did order 3 pairs of shorts for my mom to bring in nov in case
*frequent bathroom visits, still
*feeling lots of pokes, i'm sure it's baby now and not gas :)
*i've gained 8lbs so far! ahhh!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

18 & 19 wEekS

Finally "POPPED"!! I have an actual perma more skinny in the am and prego in the pm, it's now prego in the am and prego in the pm. I'm still feeling really good and looking forward to my half way point coming up as well as the "big scan". Can't wait to see how big baby is, how healthy baby is, listening to the heartbeat and seeing an actual form of a little human instead of a jelly bean like my 6wk apt. Being pregnant hasn't really affected anything I do yet in my normal routine (besides having wine at dinner) but i'm noticing it's taking a little extra effort to get off the couch and getting out of bed. I've recently started sleeping on my side instead of my belly, it's not bad but i'll definitely miss sleeping on my tummy for a while.

Last week, my sister was in Grenada visiting her boyfriend for a couple weeks and since they are so close to us (and there were waves here this weekend for the boys) they decided to pop over Friday night for a few days. Very unexpected but it was great seeing them. Laura and I did a little exploring on the beach Saturday while the boys surfed and Sunday Laura played photographer while I finally hooked up my hammock to some trees and relaxed. I'm always sad when my family leaves but this was the first time i've seen my sister super happy and in love in years, so I know I sent her off in good hands and that makes me smile even though she had to go. Next to visit is my parents in early November, so i'll be looking forward to that next.

Fantasy football has started and I had the wonderful spot of 10th pick.....I was a little worried at first but ended up liking my team in the end and it's been 2 weeks and i'm 2-0!! WINNER WINNER!! I like the thought of a prego girl beating guy after guy, week after week....maybe it's my year!!! Week 2 I had the highest points in our entire league, I think that says something. Coming up is week 3, and it's me vs. Darin.....needless to say nobody wants to be near this house sunday because there's a lot of arguing going on. I've volunteered to help my friend with a wedding shoot for a magazine so Darin and I can just stay far away from each other Sunday :) Please keep your fingers crossed for me, I greatly appreciate it! haha!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*yep, that is 2 scoops of cookies and cream ice cream....still haven't finished it from Saturday, but i'll go for      3rds tonight and finish it off :)
*maternity clothes...still fitting, but continue to get tight
*frequent bathroom visits, still
*big exciting scan coming up, can't wait!
*movements...i think some baby pokes but not sure if it's just gas, haha

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

15, 16 & 17 WeeKs

I hated skipping some weeks recently but I haven't felt any different than great, and the belly was the same so I didn't really have anything fun to report. Forgive me :) I'll fill you in right now....

To find out or not to find out....that's our issue lately. A long time ago I used to say I was finding out the sex because I just had to know, my personality is a planner and organizing maniac so it seemed only right that I must find out this info when it came time. Darin didn't want to know at all, pff what does he know!! Since living in the Caribbean for 3+ years it's made my obsession with planning every detail a lot less, you have to learn to live by the moments here and to suck in the sea air when you pass and slow down to island time and enjoy everything from foods to traffic to the shell you picked up on the beach. All this "laid backness" has made me not want to find out the sex, I don't need to plan anything, so I don't need to know, i'd rather wait and be surprised in the end. I like neutral colors anyways so I always planned on a neutral room, nothing crazy pink or blue. So here I am, 15 wks pregnant and I know that appointment is coming up quick. Along with me changing my mind to not finding out, Darin has also changed his to wanting to find out so we've completely switched how we felt about the whole "to know or not to know" situation.

I have a feeling i'll probably be the one to give in on this one. Even though I don't want to know I feel like Darin doesn't really have an actual part in this 9 months except to deal with me. He'll never actually get to feel the baby inside, he doesn't go day to day having symptoms (neither do I but still), he won't get uncomfortable because of a belly and although he may understand it all and be super helpful and get to feel the baby kick from the outside, he and all men are kind of helpless. A woman feels everything, good or bad you're connected and that feeling for me will be there everyday all day. I feel like for him to know the sex is a way he'll be able to connect better or relate, calling the baby by it's name or a he or she might help him feel like he's a part of this and better connected to his baby. Plus he says he needs to mentally prepare for a girl if thats what it is, but I somehow think that's all men lol. 

We're at the point now when we have to decided what we can get here in our suitcases and what we have to ship, what's cheaper to buy here or what's cheaper to's consumed so much of my time this week going back and forth with 2 shipping companies. We decided on all of the furniture to ship, so i've got all the weights and dimensions sent off for a few quotes, so now we wait. My shower won't be until I get to Orlando in Jan so by then I have to decide what I want to bring with me in my suitcase and what I can buy here and what I should have extra at my parents house for when I visit. There are so many things to make decisions on it's a little crazy....i've decided to focus on the shower gifts when it gets closer to that so I don't stress now over it, I think it's gonna be a lot of cash so I can use it here to get the things I can't bring in a suitcase. Living on an island definitely has it's challenges but it's worth it. 

17 weeks, and my brother came to visit and also a friend of mine surprised me and flew down with him. I was so excited my brother was coming, I miss him all the time and love him so much so when he wanted to come for his birthday I was so happy!! I got to show them my island...they've been to visit us in the Bahamas but not yet Barbados (which is WAY better of a place to visit and live). We went paddle boarding, ate some local foods, went to plenty of beaches, did an island tour, hung out on the porch one night because Darin got a new smoker and wanted to make some ribs, he's an easy going guy, doesn't take much to please him so it's great when he comes because it's so easy and fun. I was sad to see him go and cried like a baby when I dropped him off but i'll get to see him in a few months....can't wait for him to be an uncle, he's gonna be the best!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*maternity clothes...maybe in a month, things are tight 
*frequent bathroom visits
*decisions on finding out
*i gained 1 lb at my 16week apt (WHOA!!)

Monday, August 12, 2013

14 wEeKs

We have done NOTHING all week haha, our nights are tv/movies, dinner and bed. We haven't gone out at all, I think it's hibernating time for Barbados.....everything goes quiet after Kadooment. Not growing a baby though...I swear I saw my stomach move this week!! Not like a quick thing, almost like it would slowly move to one side and get bigger in one area and smaller in another (like how you'd see in a movie when something would move under the flat sand and come towards you) I just stared at it and thought, no way that's already a baby moving, has to be gas lol. Still not sure what it was but it was still pretty cool to watch, I can only imagine when it moves all the time....I think i'll sit all day staring at my belly and not get anything else done because it's way cooler than doing laundry all day.

Dinner foods are starting to appeal to me more and more, haven't had to eat a bowl of cereal for dinner in a while. Also I haven't eaten a tums in a week! I just read the the 2nd trimester has started....I thought it was 12 weeks but I guess it's 14. I have blood work to do this coming week and i'm not excited about it. Since I tend to pass out for no reason often anyways (pre-prego thing), giving blood is another thing I pass out over. Thank goodness Darin is taking the morning off to sit and wait with me and hold my hand, my mom usually does it but she isn't going to fly down to hold my hand for 5 mins. I will never grow up when it comes to giving blood....I will always be a chicken and need someone with me.

We went to our first baby store this weekend!! I've been to a few a long time ago for a baby shower or something but i've always been in and out so THIS was the first time going in and actually looking at stuff for myself and not a list of someone's registry. We didn't buy anything, just wanted to look at some things and price stuff out so we'd know if it was worth buying here or just shipping over from the states. I took my 14 week picture in the baby store, thought it made sense :) I like to do my pics depending on where I am and what i'm doing....never been a fan of against the same wall in the same clothes every week (no offense to those who do that) for the picture. The giraffe I tried to straddle but quickly was reminded I had a long dress on so I had to just stand behind it...Darin HATES taking pictures of people doing anything but normal in public so this shot took a lot for him to quickly snap, he was quite uncomfortable, lol thanks though babe!! (you should see when he likes his food so much at restaurants that he wants a picture of it, he tries so hard to do it so nobody sees him taking it lol, he's so weird)

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*maternity clothes...not yet
*no more tums!
*making decisions on baby furniture, there's so many options!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

13 WeEKs & KaDOomeNt

Getting to my 13 week blog 4 days late but I have a good excuse. This past weekend was a holiday weekend with LOTS going on, needless to say we were somewhere and everywhere all weekend long. Wish I had a better photo than holding the pole on the boat all awkward lol, and a face that's smiling better and not a face that's trying to keep my balance so I didn't go overboard, but it is what it is :) We went on a booze cruise Sunday (yes, I went) and it was a blast!! Had a great time with me and my water, dancing, jumping and singing to super loud music with my friends all while out at sea. There was about 150 people on the boat so I had some great entertainment to watch when I needed to sit for a break. Of course I took our gopro so i'll make a fun video of all that :) Monday was Kadooment Day, remember my costume I had to sell? This was the day I was supposed to wear it, but instead went out on a boat most of the day and waited for everyone in costumes to come jumping down the street to music dancing and getting all crazy! Tanya and I chose to swim to shore from the boat which was a little further than either of us thought but I hadn't been to the gym in a few days so to me that was a good exercise :) and of course I brought the gopro out again so i'll add all that to my video too! Next year....I plan on playing in all of the Kadooment festivities!

This week i've become friends with Tums, have them on me at all times. I've never ate a tums before haha, and I kept having these awkward "I didn't drink enough beer so I have the burps" moments and they made me feel a little sick. I didn't know that was something tums could fix until I was working a wedding and a friend told me to eat a tums....1 tablet and TADA!! It was like magic!! I've also recently not wanted anything to do with dinner. "Pre-baby" I used to cook...sometimes, but I hate cooking now and I don't want dinner foods, they don't gross me out really, it's just I don't want it....i've forced chicken down my throat that Darin made one night but it took me so long to eat it that Darin actually had finished dinner and had all the dishes done and was sitting on the couch before I was done half of my food.....ended up tossing the other now, I usually resort to a bowl of cereal, guess it's not the worst thing in the world to eat. The belly I think has been the same since last week, not to much growing to notice, at least not to me anyway. I hadn't worn a certain pair of shorts for a while and happen to wear them the other night and couldn't button them.....dun dun I did the elastic trick around the button on my pants, pulled my shirt over it and out I went, guess I can't wear those shorts anymore :( I still feel pretty good overall so i'm super happy this has continued to be a smooth, un eventful 13 weeks....high five for 27 more!!! 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*don't crave anything but I fancy a chocolate milk when I pass it in the grocery
*maternity clothes...not yet....yet
*tums is my friend!
*making decisions on baby furniture, there's so many options!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

12 wKs & DaRiNs BDaY


I've started having really weird dreams. I wake up to them all night and hate it, i'm not a dreamer to begin with so dreaming every night is something i'm definitely not used to. I'm still getting dizzy spells often but hoping those will go away soon since i'm into my 2nd trimester. 

I've been going to the gym 4 days a week like a good prego does and i've had to switch to all the smaller weights because well...i'm pregnant, but I struggle with the light ones the same as I did with the heavier ones, I wonder if pregnant people get weaker because I sure feel like I am......not cool! I had a fun day at the beach with the Franco crew. Pebbles beach is one of the nicest here to spend a day and paddle board, watch sail boats, eat a fish cutter and float in clear blue water. I never wear sunscreen, I know I should, I remember to sometimes but I don't really burn, just brown (thank you dad for my olive indonesian skin) but when I was at the beach this week and came home I was so pink and burned, my nose even peeled!! I guess your skin changes a lot more than just getting some acne on your face, so now I have to make sure to put some sunscreen on before I bake the tiny human in my belly :)

We also had Darin's birthday dinner this weekend, lucky guy had 3 ladies join him for dinner :) We went to an amazing place called Champers, it's on the water and it's Darin's favorite place on the whole island. Even though he was the 5th of 7 birthday's there and the song from the waitresses was getting old, it was still special when they came to our table and sang to Darin. His actual birthday is on Tuesday so we celebrated a few days early.

I've been keeping you up with my Kadooment costume dilemma and someone bought it :( I'm not able to wear it but I just picked it up and it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so sad to sell it but i'll always have next year, plus I got a back up from a friend, i'm wearing hers from last year so i'll at least get to look festive. I had to try it on for my 12 week photo duh, I got one quick wear from it :) Isn't it absolutely gorgeous??!!
Darin's Bday pics

Monday, July 22, 2013

MulTiPLyiNG WiTh A LittLe HumAN!!!!!

 Pregnancy Ticker just found out our news!!! Hooray!! I've kept a little side blog to keep all my little weird quirks of being pregnant all here, so don't worry, you haven't missed a beat. Thank you for all the support and love you've shown towards our growing family, i'm sure you'll enjoy reading below.....go on, catch up :)

This week i'm still feeling great. Almost out of my first trimester and my only symptoms are dizziness when I stand up and sneezing. Lately i've been sneezing so much i'm not sure if it's an actual symptom but it's not been like this before I was pregnant. I also can't put clean sheets on my bed with out needing to sit for a quick break. I have no cravings, no emotional moments, no nausea, I sleep great and eat about the same. I'm extremely thankful that this has been quite easy for me so far, i'll probably say that many more times if things keep going well. My next apt is towards the end of August so we hope that we will hear all good things. 

This weekend is the weekend before "Carnival" or "Crop Over" or "Kadooment", call it any of those. We have a friend coming to stay with us for the fun festivities and we all got costumes to play this year in the big parade but now that i'm prego, I probably won't be doing any kind of dancing in a bikini down the street lol. I know people do it, but I don't think I am, i'm trying to sell it but if I don't, i'll definitely try the costume on just to see. Maybe i'll wear it out on the boat for fun on Kadooment Day.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feel fantastic still!!!
*maternity clothes...nope :)
*names picked out, YAY!!

This week we finally told our extended families and close friends. It's been so hard keeping it from people. Our families are dying to talk about it to someone, anyone lol, but they've been awesome for not spilling the beans no matter how hard it was and we really appreciate them for that. We sent out a picture of us in beach chairs with a little empty one in the middle through email and got a lot of love and support back. If there's one thing that feels great in life, it's knowing how many people are there for you and are just as excited and happy for you as you are. Telling our friends was fun, because when I was in Orlando last, we knew already. We didn't say anything because we just found out and some of our immediate family members didn't know yet so we couldn't say anything. 
They had no idea anything was different during my visit, though I did try and hide from most so I didn't have to lie if they asked (because everyone always asks). Plus I felt like I had it written all over my face and an arrow above my head floating pointing at me saying "pregnant, pregnant!". I used to be able to lie, but I can't anymore, i'm terrible at it. Next week will be a fun one because we'll announce it to the oh so welcoming facebook world where everyone in their mom is pregnant right now. Guess i've jumped on that wagon at just the right time lol!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feel fantastic!!!
*excited about my little something of a "belly"
*no cravings yet, but I do eat more....I think

This week has been all about relaxing. I've been to the gym and got back into spin class, although I just pedal at my own pace, people stare at me and probably wonder what the heck i'm doing because it's all wrong. I always have a front row spot on the right, same place every week, twice a week. I like the feeling of people watching me to help them do it right because when I used to sit in the back I always watched the front row people to find the rhythm, so sitting in the front makes me work harder because I know people are watching. Now that i've backed up a row or 2 every week, people are probably wondering what's going on with me....i'll tell them soon :) The week has been easy other than that. Had a storm that got close to us, the whole island closed down and then the storm turned north so we had a great couch/movie day..on a Tuesday :) Hopefully i'll have a little more entertaining stuff to write about next week.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*still feeling good, no complaints from this mama
*get dizzy every time I stand up, like a quick head rush
*acne is starting to clear up, hallelujah!! 
*telling our families and close friends next week, YAY!!!

Friday night we went out to Sushi with our friends for my 30th birthday!! Candice came to town and surprised me and it was really great to have everyone in one place for a few hours. We rarely have every single one of us when we get together, there's always 1 or 2 people missing but for my birthday all of us were there and it felt great!

Finally moved into our new place with the help of our friends on Saturday. I'm that person that has to move and completely unpack in a day, can't stand when there's things that are still unpacked and i'm going to bed, but that's how it has to be for now. I haven't felt exhausted yet but I know I can't work myself that hard and i'm taking lots of breaks. It would of taken me 4 days just to unpack, but thanks to our friends it happened in 2 days and Tanya made an amazing lunch for everyone as I watched :) I did a lot of watching while she unpacked boxes for me haha. The breeze here is AMAZING, there's so much space to spread out, feels more homie than our squishy apartment. Yesterday when everyone was over the neighborhood kids came out to play and everyone was in the streets, there was a new little puppy out playing too. I love that part of this neighborhood, it's small and close knit and the PERFECT place to have kids and raise a family, I think we'll stay for a while.
Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*still feeling good
*picked our names for a girl or boy
*deciding where to have baby D (Florida or Barbados)

I caught a cold from Darin, sore throat one day and runny nose the 2 days following that. I rested all day yesterday, didn't really have the energy to do anything. It's also moving week, so i'm supposed to be packing up the house little by little so we can move on Saturday!! This week is also my 30th birthday!!! We're going to dinner Friday with our friends so I hope to have a lot of this packing done by Friday.

This is the week!!! It's finally come!! I had my first real BABY dr visit today!! I'm 7w5d along (and i'll be 30 tomorrow, thought i'd throw that in), everything looks great, I love my dr, we got to see the heart beating and moving and got to hear the heartbeat for just a brief few seconds! I just laid there staring at the screen with the biggest smile on my face, my hand over my mouth and the other one holding Darin's. I had to move him out of the way to see since he was all up on that monitor trying to get video of the heart beating lol. We got our little humans first pictures to take home and put on the fridge and big smiles to go home with. It's all starting to feel more real to us and it's exciting and we can't wait till the next appointment!! Crazy there is a little person in there and how much your heart grows with love just looking at this little blob on the screen. I love that blob on my picture, can't stop looking at it :) HAPPY MOMMY!!

My due date is February 8th 2014!!! Funny thing is we found out on June 3rd, my dad's birthday and now i'm due Feb 8th, my moms birthday......and tomorrow is my 30th birthday!!! Guess it's a great year for birthdays!

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good, a little crampy at times
*Due February 8th
*reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and also Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" (which is seriously the funniest book, I lol constantly while i'm reading, recommend this to everyone!)
*anxious to "feel" pregnant, grow belly grow (but not to big)

Just got home yesterday (June 16th). Thanks to my awesome husband, he's so sweet to leave me his entire suitcase from a week ago still on the floor with all his clothes in it for me to clean up. So, today was all laundry, cleaning, organizing our life back to normal and calling Drs. I have decided to go with Dr M here, many people I know have been to him and say he's one of the best here on the island. My appointment is next week (i have to wait that long?? ugh!) and I can't wait because it will be my first "REAL" prego visit!!!

Prego brain (which is REAL!) has kicked in....I left the other day to get darin from work but grabbed just my phone and walked out locking the door behind me. I didn't realize until I was getting in the elevator at our apartment that I had no keys and no purse, just the phone and good thing because I had to call for back up (our property manager) to rescue me, thank goodness it was only a 10min wait. Oi!

I know i'm pregnant, but since I feel great most of the time I've started to second guess, lol sounds stupid but I read something about that and now I know it's not just me so I feel better. The trick your body plays on you right now is "to be bloated or not to be". Sometimes I look like I have a tad of a belly, then sometimes it's completely flat, so that's what tricks your mind to think am I or am I not? 

Found out that working out while your pregnant is BORING!!!! I'll also add that it was a sad and sweat-less 45mins :( 

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good
*anxious to know my due date
*thinking of names
*no cravings (yet?)
*to be or not to be (bloated)

I was SO incredibly lucky to be going home this week. One of the biggest things I was looking forward to was telling our family in person. I know living on an island there was a chance I wasn't going to have the opportunity, but I was lucky to have my prayers answered so soon and I was going to be able to tell them just as i'd been looking forward to!! We told our families in a special way, they each got frames that said something special to them. Of course I facetimed Darin for every surprise and he got to see their faces and reactions as well, which left me to get twice as many hugs....and I was happy to get Darin's share :) It was really amazing telling our families and feeling the love and support from them, this journey may be about Darin and I but it really does involve everyone that loves you. This is my parent's first grand baby and Laura and Craig are excited to be an aunt and uncle. This is the Doty's 3rd grand baby and Drey and Shane are excited it's someone else giving them grand babies instead of them again. My Tierney family is all excited also, Kaley and Shelby were the funniest to tell because I never expected their reaction, both sobbing their eyes out. Especially my Shelby, she tried so hard to hide her face and not cry but couldn't. Ohhh how I love our families!!

I found a Dr. in Orlando and had made an appointment months ago so I could get firmiliar with a new OBGYN and hope that when I did get pregnant (whoops) they would take me on late in the game when I returned to have this little human. I was referred to her by a friend and when I looked her up online she was from Jamaica! I know that's not where I live but I felt like she could relate with me the most, she would understand the difficulty of deciding to deliver here in Barbados or coming to Florida, how the healthcare is in the caribbean and so on. To my absolute relief...she was AMAZING!! I immediately felt like i'd been going there for years, I felt like she knew me already and to have another prayer answered....she agreed to take me on at my 34-36wk mark if I decided to be in Florida for the delivery!!! HOORAY!! I was sooooooo incredibly worried about that, I thought for sure i'd have to see a few Drs. before someone agreed to treating me in these odd circumstances. She did an "annual exam", nothing related to baby since I was so early. I estimated 4wks, but she estimated about 6wks (don't ask how she figured that out). I was happy with my visit and can't wait to return to Barbados and start all my prego care. I can't wait to see Darin, hear the heartbeat and think of names for our little human.

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*feeling good
*i can't "suck in" anymore
*simply happy :)

So, I'M PREGNANT!!!!! I knew it! Today is June 3rd (also my fathers birthday). I took a test this morning and it was just on one of those strip things, there was one solid line and one faded line so I wasn't quite sure what that ment. After leaving it for a bit there were definitely 2 solid lines, but then I didn't know if it's just because I had left it for to long. I went to read the instructions and one solid and one light line meant that I was in fact pregnant, as a huge smile came over my face!! 

June 4, I got an actual "stick" pregnancy test and waited until this am to take another test and sure enough 2 solid lines, I guess that meant I was almost pregnant yesterday and definitely pregnant today lol. What did I do? Since I already kinda knew yesterday I pretty much stared at it on the counter and just smiled and though omg this is really happening! I was up at 6:30am, because I couldn't sleep, took the test, crawled back in bed and poked Darin in the face a few times until he woke up and rolled over to open his eyes. I held the test above us and said "do you see two lines too?" He smiled a big sleepy smile and said "I knew there was a baby in there". He came to snug with me and I started to cry (of course). I was crying because I can't help but be nervous, excited and scared all in the same emotion. Life was about to change, as Darin says "game changer" lol. I used to think what would be more of a surprise, finding out when you aren't planning for it or planning for it and finding out. I'm still not sure which one is more of a surprise but we were planning for it and I was quite surprised. I cried because of relief also, i've prayed that it would happen this month because I go home next week and it's the perfect time to tell our families in person!! I'm also relieved that Darin and I had no problems getting pregnant, some people really struggle to have a baby, month after month, so i'm extremely thankful and grateful that this happened quickly for us and my prayer's were answered and we are having our own little human :)

Prego Quirks, Symptoms & Info:
*last night I kept waking up smelling peanut butter cookies (lol, prego quirk already?) I actually got up out of bed and checked the oven (i made brownies waaaaaaay earlier), it was off, but I swore someone left a door open up stairs and THEY were making peanut butter cookies at 2am!

Friday, July 19, 2013

3 yr AnniVERsAry

I completely forgot to post earlier in June (6.11.10)...Darin and I's 3yr anniversary. Can't believe it's already been 3 years of being married and living in the Caribbean! Love this life and all it's adventures, can't wait to see what the next years ahead are like for us, hopefully as exciting as the last few :) Love you babe to the moon! xoxo

My 30th BiRThdAy

Better late than never, lots going on...i'll have to fill you in on my next post. BUT....for now i'll show you a few photos from my 30th birthday. We celebrated with our friends and went out for sushi which I happen to LOVE of course, then went out to a few bars to end our night. I didn't want a crazy 30th birthday, just a good dinner with all of my friends and it's exactly what I a new cute dress :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


YAY!! Finally I got to go to Orlando! It's been a long 8 months here in Barbados but they've all been fun ones. I never feel like I get "island fever" here like I used to in Nassau, maybe it's just because this place is simply amazing, couldn't ask for a better island or better friends here. We went to Miami for a few days for Darin's management conference then Sunday he left for Barbados and I headed to Orlando for a week. Felt good to be back at home for a bit and snug with Remie Martin Beiber Peepyopeep Potcake Yoda Doty Zubli (our dog who is now laura's), she snugged every night and every morning, waited for me to get home and sat at the window when I left. I spent some time cleaning out the back room at my house, it's been 3 years (since our wedding) and boy did I find some goodies back there. Laura, Teya and I were back there ALL DAY cleaning that room out. We had piles of stuff each to go somewhere, garage sale, platos closet, donate and....returning gifts from the wedding. That last pile had me almost in tears, I couldn't help feel so guilty for asking for these gifts on my registry 3 years ago, but they just sat here in boxes, never opened. I always had people bring stuff to Nassau and stuff anything else they could in their suitcases for me which worked out well, but I didn't even get half the stuff there by the time we moved to Barbados. If anyone you know is getting married and moving to an island I suggest you have them contact me first. If I had someone tell me this would happen 3 years later, I would of said cash or gift cards and just used them as I needed to. I did keep some stuff and I have a number of things here now, but after Laura and I made the trip to Bed Bath & Beyond and returned stuff (yes, 3 years later), I now have a store credit of $400, it was more than that but I splurged on some things for the house (in Orlando) and also some tervis cups (Darin and I use them like they're going out of style). So, if anyone's getting married soon.....I got you covered lol.

I also had a chance to celebrate my 30th birthday (even though it's 2 weeks away), I wasn't going to be home so we did it early. Shelby and I always celebrate our birthdays together and this year she turns 21!! We did a little low key thing, went to an amazing seafood dinner with my Tierney parents, then off to Kings (a bowling alley on i-drive, awesome, you should go), where we met my parents and Darin's parents along with a few friends. 

I had a great time with the people I miss and love, can't thank them enough for buying my ticket home for an early birthday present! 

I did a horrible job taking pictures, I have nothing.....i'm so mad at me for that! Sorry!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

DaddY's BdaY

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this man! My one and only amazing daddy! Someone I look up to, who I adore to the moon and back and the most sincere, down to earth really are amazing and as any completely happy daughter would say, you are the bestest and my favorite daddy ever! I love you!! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Just a quick note, I prob won't have a chance to write for a bit because 1. nothing new is happening but 2. i'm going to ORLANDO next week, which is long over due!! I can't wait to see my family and friends and Remie Martin Beiber Peepyopeep Potcake Yoda Doty Zubli (our dog from Nassau). I'm flying to Miami first for 4 days while Darin is at a Cashwiz meeting with all the management there, and then Laura and I are driving back Sunday night. My 30th birthday is in June so i'm celebrating while i'm there, so i'm sure i'll have plenty to blog about in the next few weeks! Stay tuned :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

PubLiSHeD PhOTos

Just a little self confidence boost :) My photography skills were put to good use here in Barbados for an online wedding magazine. They do 2 issues a year and this is their first issue for 2013. I had the pleasure of shooting a bunch of table decor at a store here called Dwellings, similar to Bed Bath & Beyond. I've been doing photography for a year, lots of free shoots just to get the experience so this is the first time I had my work published and when you take hours doing something that is kinda your first time but not really you question yourself and how good you could actually do. I was nervous, I didn't want to let them down or take ugly pics that they couldn't use, but this final product makes me feel accomplished, I did it, I did a great job too.....(pat myself on the back) lol. I posted the link to the site, the exact page my ad starts on and then go though page 97 where the Table Top spread ends. YAY!!

Click here --->>  IslandGalPhoto BrideLifeSpread

Friday, May 17, 2013


Darin had an amazing time in Thailand, he did so much and got to see so many things that I had to make a photo collage of his trip. Very glad he's back safe and I don't have to stress about work anymore, better him than I. Darin's favorite part was the tigers, it's always been something he's wanted to do and he said it was awesome. I'll soon have a video of the 2 1/2 weeks guys trip that I will surely post for your entertainment, it's almost done...taking a lot of time, hence why the posts haven't been frequent lately, oops :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GiRLs BarBadOs TriP

It's always nice having visitors come to town who have NEVER been to Barbados. I got the privilege of showing my sister and friend Jenny around my home island! We did all the tourist stuff which was so fun.  We rented a topless jeep to do the island tour all up the east coast of the island, stoping at really cool spots that nobody really ever gets to see because you have to off road to them. We drank one of every kind of foreign beer, stopped for a snack at the famous Soup Bowl surf break, went to Cherry Tree Hill where you can see the beautiful east coast from way way up. Another day we did the catamaran snorkel cruise to swim with the turtles and see a ship wreck, did an island tour up the west coast another day, also had a surf lesson with the famous Boosy here (the best on the island). It was Jenny and Laura's FIRST time surfing and they both did awesome! The sun was being shy the first 3 days of their trip but while we were surfing it started to peek it's way through the clouds and then it stayed for the rest of the week. We had a few great dinners and lunches with amazing scenery and the last night we went up to the famous Cliff restaurant and had a cocktail as the sun was setting and it had to of been the best sunset of their trip so it was well worth it. Of couse we had our beach days eating fish cutters for lunch and blowing up our floats to relax on and soak up the sun, nothing beats the calm of Pebbles beach and a fish cutter on a gorgeous Barbados day! Whether I live here or not Barbados is a MUST SEE before you die type of place, i'll know all the spots to tell you which will make your trip as amazing as the girls trip was. MISS YOU LAURA AND JENNY!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

DaRin'S GoNE & LaURa aNd JeNNy VisiT

Barbados to Orlando to LA to Tokyo to Bangkok to Chaing Mai....back to Bangkok to Koh Samui then backtracking home. Darin is on a once and a lifetime 2 1/2 week trip to Thailand. He's called almost every day except when he was in the jungle for 3 days with no wifi. He's having a great time, seeing some cool stuff and making some awesome memories with 3 of his buddies. Me?? I'm in Barbados staying super super busy with work stuff, it's been very crazy here the last two weeks but I think i'm finally closing some doors on stuff which is a good feeling because Jenny and Laura come Saturday (tomorrow)!!

I'm sure i'll have some fun pics for my next blog about the girls trip to Barbados, stay tuned :)